Fighting for a Hang Out

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

I woke up later that day somewhere around eleven o'clock. After I got out of the shower and brushed my hair Jacob called.


"Hey." His voice sounds hoarse and I try not to laugh.

"Babe. Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah. I want you to come over. Right now." I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Okay. I'm on my way. I'll be there in fifteen." He seemed to perk up at that.

"Okay. Bye babe."


When I knock on the door Jasmine answers and tells me Jacob is still in the shower. I go up to his room and lay on his bed watching Spongebob. In the middle of a new episode he comes out with a pair of shorts on with some water still dripping from his upper body. He towel dries his hair before looking over at me. I lay they starting at him even after his annoying smirk pops up.

"You're staring. Are you enjoying the view?"

"Most definitely." I say without hesitation. He comes over to the side of me and sits down on the edge of the bed. He puts his arms on both sides of me and his face hovers over mine. I lean up to kiss him but he backs away.

"Come on. Lunch time." He dries of the rest of his body and heads towards the door. I rush to block the door and he raises an eyebrow.

"Put on a shirt. Those are distracting." I say pointing to his abs and V line. He smirks and shakes his head before turning around and looking for a shirt in his dresser.

"I hate that smirk." I mutter. He throws a T-shirt over his head and walks towards me. I turn around to open the door but it doesn't budge. I look up to see what's wrong with it and see Jacob's hand holding it in place before his hands grab a hold of my waist and his mouth is millimeters away from my ear.

"I like having this effect on you." He whispers and I shiver. I feel his smile form.

"I don't." I whisper back and he laughs.

"If you knew the effect you had on me you would like it too." When Jacob finally lets me go we head downstairs for lunch. Mrs. Anderson hand us each a plate with a sandwich and some fruit.

"You need to go get some more bottoms. Yours are starting to get a little faded." Mrs. Anderson told Jacob as he took a bite of his sandwich. He nods and swallows his food.

"I'll go after lunch then." He turns towards me. "You wanna go to the mall with me?" Like he was actually giving me a choice.

"I don't like shopping." I state simply causing Jacob to raise an eyebrow.

"Why not? I thought every girl liked shopping? What girl didn't like that kind of stuff? Isn't it supposed to be heaven for girls?" I shrug.

"Not for me. I've always hated shopping. I hate trying on clothes and looking through the racks only for the cashiers and other customers to judge you for what you like to wear just because it's different from what everyone else wears." He looks at me for a second.

"You somehow always find a way to be different from every other girl out there." He takes another bite.

"You seem to like different."

"It looks good on you." He admits. He winks and I shake my head and laugh feeling my heart go into overdrive.

"You are such a flirt. I hope you aren't like that with every girl."

"Only for you babe." He leans over towards me and kisses my cheek. I roll my eyes and smile at him. After lunch we get in Jacob's car and ride to the mall. "Are you going look for anything?"

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