Fighting for 20 Questions

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

"Ready to get beat?" Jacob asks after he opens the door. I roll my eyes.

"Hey to you too." He opens the door wider and steps aside to let me in. I walk into the dining room where Jacob's parents and Jasmine are sitting on one side of the table. Next to Jasmine is a whiteboard with a marker. On the whiteboard is two columns with my name on the left and Jacob's on the right.

"Are you guys ready?" Mrs. Anderson asks when Jacob comes in and stands next to me. I nod.

"Yeah. I'm ready." Jacob says taking a seat in one of the two chairs across from his parents. I take the one across from Jasmine.

"Alright. Give me whatever you wrote your questions and answers on." We both pull out our phones. I unlock my phone and go to my notes before handing it over to Mrs. Anderson. Jacob hands his dad his phone.

"Rock, paper, scissors shoot to see who goes first." Jasmine says. I turn to Jacob as he turns to me. I hold my palm out and put my fist on top.

"Rock, paper, scissors shoot." We say simultaneously. I toss out scissors as he puts out paper. I pretend to cut his paper and turn back to Mrs. Anderson smiling.

"Okay Lexi. Question one. What time was Jacob born?" I look over at Jacob with wide eyes.

"What time were you born?" I ask incredulous. "You've never told me that!" He laughs.

"Yes I have." I glare at him before looking back Mrs. Anderson.

"Umm, I'm gonna throw out a random time. Eight twenty seven?"

"Morning or night?" Mrs. Anderson asks. I raise my eyebrows. I look over at Jacob who's looking back at me. I study him. "Night."

"Sorry Lexi. It was four thirty-seven in the morning."

"Okay Jacob, your turn." Mr. Anderson says looking down at my phone. "What is Lexi's favorite type of food?" He looks up at the ceiling in thought.

"Its not Thai or Asian." He mumbles. "Oh! Chinese." He smiles at me and I roll my eyes.

"That's correct." Mr. Anderson nods. Jasmine outs a tally under Jacob's name.

"Alright Lexi, question two. What is Jacob's favorite color?"

"Green." I say without hesitation.

"Correct. That's one point for Lexi." Mrs. Anderson says. Jasmine puts a tally under my name.

"Jacob, what's Lexi's favorite flavor on a cake?" He looks over at me in confusion.

"Have you ever told me?" I nod. "When?"

"Do you want to use your hint?" I ask with a smirk. He rolls his eyes.

"Fine then. I'm going to say strawberry."

"The correct answer is red velvet." Mr. Anderson says. Jacob turns to me.

"Since when?" He ask incredulous.

"Since my seventh birthday party."

"You said the cake was strawberry." I shake my head.

"I said I wanted it to be strawberry. My parents got red velvet instead." I stick out my tongue. He rolls his eyes and smiles.

"No point for Jacob. Lexi next question. What is Jacob's favorite movie?" Jasmine scoffs.

"Ooh ooh! It's that monkey movie!" I snap my fingers as if that will make the answer appear. "It has monkey in the name right?" I look at everyone. I get blank stares. "Oh! Dawn of the Planet Apes!" Mrs. Anderson looks at her husband.

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