Fighting for You

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"One day I'll be able to convince you that the only girl I could ever possibly be in love with to no end is you. But until then, I'm going to keep saying it. I love you."

"First place for winning my heart."

LEXI DANIELS is the popular girl with straight A's, a cheerleader, a soccer player, and a volleyball player. Until one day she becomes the new girl in school having to face more obstacles than just finding a new group of classmates.

JACOB ANDERSON is the towns most popular guy who has the girl, plays just about every sport, and is practically best friends with everyone in school.  But meeting Lexi and having his past haunt him more than usual can put a drain on all of that, especially when a girl from the past comes back and is here to stay.

Do these two have what it takes to keep their promises when their relationship is put on the line?

__________AUTHOR'S NOTE__________

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I cannot thank you guys enough for everything you do. When I first started writing I never would thought that the book would this far.

On that note I've worked really hard on all the books that I write so please don't take anything.

Everything is all from my imagination. I made up everything but I tried to get some things as close to the real thing as possible but I haven't experienced more than half of it.

I hope you enjoy! Comment, Vote, Follow, and Share!

P.S. I would greatly appreciate banners and/or trailers! I would also love to start dedicating my chapters! :)

The wonderful cover was made by @RubyIodine

Thank you so much!

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