Fighting for Spring Vacation Part 2

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(Jacob's P.O.V)

Half an hour can feel like five minutes when you're asleep. I felt someone shaking me but I refused to open my eyes.

"Do you think he's dead?" A girl voice, Mallory, asked.

"Nope. He's breathing." Someone closer to me says, probably Lexi.

"I've got an idea!" The third girl, has to be Lindsey, says. I hear the car door open and close then all of a sudden my door is flung open and my body is partly outside and inside. I open my eyes with alert.

"Lindsey!" Lexi and Mallory scream at the same time causing Jhordian and CJ to wake up and groan.

"What? He woke up didn't he?" I pick myself up so I don't fall out of the seat.

"Are you okay?" Lexi asks. I nod.

"Yeah. I almost fell out of a car head first. No big deal." I look over at Lexi and see she's trying to hide her smile. She gives up and her smile turns into a grin. "What?" She shakes her head.

"Nothing." She turns around in the driver's seat. "Who's ready to eat?' Everyone tells and cheers and heads out the car. When it's just me and her she turns towards me again.

"Are you really okay?"

"Physically? Yeah. Mentally? That scared the living daylights out of me." She laughs.

"Well as long as your okay." She opens the door and I unbuckle my seatbelt and we step out.

"So how'd you sleep?" She asks as we walk towards IHOP. I shrug and run a hand through my hair.

"I don't feel as tired but that's not saying much." We enter the restraint and see everyone is already sitting at a booth.

"CJ wants to sit by both of you.." Lindsey says with a smile on her face as we come over to them.

"I was out voted." CJ states.

"Actually he was in the bathroom when we made seating arrangements." Mallory adds.

"Well I want the wall." I say. CJ scoots out so I can get in.

"Where'd Lexi go?" CJ asks as he sits back down. I shrug and they all look around. A couple minutes later Lexi comes back to the booth and sits next to CJ. We all look at her.

"I was in the bathroom, chill." She says like she read our minds. "Didn't know I needed permission." She mumbles after.

"Why do we have kid menus?" I ask looking at the table.

"Cause I wanna color." Lindsey says.

"I want one." Lexi says grabbing one. The waitress comes and takes our drink orders. After she leaves, I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes.

"I think the waitress likes you." CJ whispers so only I can hear. I open my eyes and look at CJ then at the waitress who's tapping on some computer thing. I close my eyes again.

"You're retarded." I mutter.

"No wonder you wanted the wall. Hate to tell you this but our vacation is just getting started." I sigh and block him out. Eventually I give up on trying to sleep and take a kids menu. Mallory and I play tic-tac-toe since she's across from me and then I play CJ. Lindsey is next, then Lexi and Jhordian squishes Lindsey a little so he can play. Every game I won except with Lexi, we tied, of course. I played the word search and scrambled letters with CJ since he wouldn't leave me alone but I refused to let him color my picture.

"Why not?" He complains while trying to get his crayon on my paper.

"Because you suck at coloring!" I grab his arm and try to take his crayon. "In third grade you colored anything but your coloring book!"

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