Fighting for a Water Fight

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

Ten minutes into the drive everyone is asleep.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Mallory asks. I shrug.

"Not tired I guess."

"Well since you stayed up and kept Jacob company, it's only fair that you do the same for me." I roll my eyes and smile. "So lets talk boys. It's been a while since we have." She nods towards the backseat. "What's with you and Jacob?"


"Puh-lease. You like him, he likes you. You text, you hang out, y'all are practically dating already. Why don't you just make it official?"

"I'm not having this conversation with you."

"Fine. Fine. Just answer me this. Would you date him? If he asked?"

"I don't know. Maybe." The rest of the drive to the hotel was kind of quiet. My parents texted me and asked how we were. Eventually everyone woke up. We turned the radio up and started singing along with it. As we reached the hotel Lindsey starts bouncing up and down while clapping and CJ and Jacob finish their conversation. Jhordian sits up from the very back and stretches.

"All right! Everyone out of the car! It's time to check in." As we take our stuff out from the trunk a guy who works here asks for the keys so he can park the car.

When we get into our separate rooms we all take showers. Since Lindsey takes the shortest shower she gets to go first, then me, and finally Mallory. The guys knock on the door as Mallory goes into the bathroom. The guys take over the TV and beds as we continue to get ready.

"Hey Lexi? Will you french braid half of my hair?" Lindsey asks as I put my converse on.

"Yeah sure." I straighten the tongue and lean back up pulling up my jeans. I walk over to her and the mirror as Jacob and Jhordian start laughing. Lindsey and I look over at them with a confused look. I noticed CJ is trying to cover his smile.

"What?" Lindsey asks getting annoyed.

"Nothing. We were just laughing at the TV." Jhordian lies.

Mallory eventually came out the shower and finished getting dressed. We headed out the door and walked to a restraunt nearby.

The next couple of days were the same, we got up early, ate breakfast, went on tours, to a museum, ate lunch, went swimming, went on more tours, ate dinner, and started all over. Or last day we went to the beach and Jhordian, CJ, and I tried to build a sandcastle that towered over us. The sand kept drying and falling so after an hour of failure and a tan later we joined everyone in the water. We got home around four. We had one more day before spring break was over and I also had practice tomorrow.

When Jacob finally dropped me off the first thing I did was unpack and wash my clothes. While I was waiting for my clothes to get out as I took a shower to wash the beach water off. As my clothes dried I texted Meagan, Payton, Jordan, and Tyler to see how they were doing.

Hey stranger! Payton texts back as soon as I send the text.

Hey Pay! I miss you!

Missin you too!

Hey Lexi! Tyler responds followed by Jordan then Megan.



Whatcha up to? Meagan questions.

Just got back from spring vacation

Where'd you go? Jordan asks.

All over Cali. Wbu? Anything fun and exciting?

Nothing. Absolutely. Nothing. He says.

It. Looks. Like. Your. Phone. Is. Having. A. Seizure. I respond.

Lol! Payton, Tyler, and Meagan send.

Funny. =\ Jordan says.

Eventually we all have to go and I check on my clothes before laying down. Lindsey, Mallory, and I send all the pictures we took in our group text with Jacob, Jhordian, and CJ. We start talking for a while before everyone falls asleep.

An hour after Jacob texts me. Wanna hang out tomorrow? Jhordian and CJ ditched.

Sure what do you wanna do?

Come over at 12 Is all he says.

Ok. Night!


The next day I woke up at 8:51. I lay down for a while and watch Spongebob before I get up and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth, hair, and wash my face. When I come back out Juliana is sprawled across my bed. I grab my laundry basket and dump it on my bed and sort through it so I can hang up my clothes. Juliana flips through the channels until she finds 'Bring it On' on TV. When it goes to commercial she looks over at me.

"What?" I ask.

"How was the trip?"

"Fun." She stares at me for a little longer before I sigh and look at her. "You want something. What is it?"

"To pick out cheer clothes." She says honestly.

"Knock yourself out. I don't even know what's mine anymore." She jumps off the bed and digs through my drawers.

After Mom fixes us lunch I change into athletic sorts and a big T-shirt and head over to Jacob's house.

His mom answers the door and tells me Jacob and Jasmine are outside in the back. When I open the door to the back I notice they're playing in the water. Jacob has the hose and is chasing Jasmine with it. Jasmine notices me and towards me. Jacob follows spreading both of us with water. He didn't notice me until after I get wet though. He started at me with his mouth open.

"Whoops." Jacob says before dropping the hose and running. I throw my phone on the seat beside me and take off my shoes before chasing Jacob. Jasmine had already grabbed the hose and was chasing after him too. After a while of chasing each other Jasmine had the idea of putting the hose on the trampoline and jumping on it. We started flipping on it and pushing each other so we would slip and fall. We played trampoline games and after a while Jasmine went inside to go eat lunch. Jacob turned the water off and called his mom to get us towels so we could go in. I followed him to his room before realizing I need clothes.

"Umm, do you have clothes I can wear?"

"I have a shirt, I would ask Jasmine for the rest." He throws me a shirt from his dresser and I go downstairs to ask Jasmine. After I asked and Jasmine went upstairs Mrs. Anderson offered to dry my clothes before I leave.

When I finished changing I went back to the kitchen to find Jacob eating lunch. Jasmine talked about things that happened while we were away. We all went to the family room to watch a movie that Jasmine picked while Mrs. Anderson dried my clothes for me.

AN:/ Hopefully you know what to do.. But just in case.. Vote, Comment, Follow, and Share!

P.S. Go check out Switching Lives!

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