Fighting for Bad News

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

I got to Pizza Palace at 6:29. The bell chimes a minute later and CJ, Jhordian, Jacob, and Meleke all walk through. Jacob came over and sat beside me. He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Aww! You two are so cute together!" Meleke said. I ignore the urge to roll my eyes as Jacob intertwines our hands.

"Come on guys! I'm hungry." CJ said coming back from talking to the waiter. We all get up and follow him to the booth. We order a large pepperoni, two Pepsi's, and three Sprites. I sat between CJ and Jacob with Jhordian and Meleke on the opposite side. Jacob was playing with my hand while CJ, Jhordian, and Meleke were playing around and laughing. I was only partially listening with Jacob distracting me. I glance over at him.

"What's wrong?" He looks up and stops playing with my hand but keeps a hold of it. He looks over at the guys and I notice Jhordian trying not to be nosy.

"I'll tell you later, okay?" I nod. Throughout the rest of the night I glance over at Jacob only to see that same uneasy look on his face.

After pizza and a movie we go to my house to hang out.

"Jacob? Are you okay?" I ask when we get upstairs to my room. He lays down on my bed with his face being covered by pillows. I change into some spanx and a T-shirt and join him on the bed. He takes a deep breath and I try to flatten his hair from him running his hand through it all night. He doesn't answer so I try and lift up his shoulder so he'll look at me. He doesn't budge and I sit there and stare at his back. He takes another deep breath and turns himself over and looks at me. I raise my eyebrows in question and he grabs my waist pulling me on top of him making me straddle him.

"Taylor is coming back." He pauses and I give him a look of confusion.

"Okay... Who is-"

"She's my first girlfriend. We started dating in eighth grade and broke up in the middle of tenth before she left for a private school. She was the kind of girl who had guys like me chasing after her, girls like Julie and Reilly hiding behind lockers, and everything got handed to her so easily. She ruled the school, even as a tenth grader she had seniors begging for stuff."

"If she was so mean then why did you date her? I mean, you don't exactly look like the kind of guy that would go after a girl like that."

"Because she was different around me. She had this whole innocent act around me that made me want to like her."

"So what happened? How did you figure out she was the bully to everyone at school?"

"I don't know. I just started noticing things I hadn't before. Every time I asked her about it she would brush it off or change the subject. I didn't really mind until she had left and I saw how happy everyone was that she was gone. But despite everything at school she made me happy and she was the first girl I loved."

"Wow. Plot twist." I say after while. He gives me a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

"That despite everything she did, you still loved her."

"Yeah well, she was different."

"You seem to like that in girls." He chuckles and I feel him vibrate under me. He flips us over so he's on top of me. "Why did you tell me about Taylor?"

"Because she's moving back and she might try to take you from me." He pauses moving some hair out of my face. "I didn't want you to be surprised when she comes."

"When is she coming back?"

"Five days."

"When did you find out?"

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