Fighting for Cheer Practice

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

The school year is finally winding down. We have two more weeks until summer and everyone couldn't be any more riled than they are now. The group is currently in the library sitting at our usual circular table with our textbooks and notes piled everywhere.

"Where is Jacob? He wasn't in second period." Lindsey says.

"He's talking to said teacher right now. I don't know what for though." I say writing down an trig question.

"Do you know where he was though?" Lindsey presses. I sigh and drop my pencil. I look over at Lindsey.

"No. Why?" She shrugs.

"Well you are his girlfriend. Shouldn't you know where he was?"

"You're right. I'm his girlfriend. Not his mom. I don't need to watch him like a babysitter. I trust that he wasn't doing anything stupid." I pick up my pencil again. "Or at least not too stupid." I add.

"It just seems like he's been distant lately." She mumbles. I shrug instead of giving a response.

"Who's been distant?" Jacob asks sitting next to me. He drops his backpack on the table and kisses my temple.

"Nobody." Lindsey sighs. I feel Jacob lean in close.

"Who is she talking about?" He whispers in my ear. I turn my head to look at him. I raise an eyebrow and give him a look. He gives me a raised eyebrow too. Why? He mouths. I shrug and go back to my work.

A phone vibrates and we look at our next to us to see who's it is. Mallory picks hers up and answers it as she scoots back from the table and walks away out of ear shot.

"Who has she been talking to lately?" Jhordian ask. We all shrug.

"You know what's weird?" Lindsey pauses looking at each of us. "We all ended up dating our group of friends except for you and Mallory of course." She says looking over at Jhordian.

"I guess that means you and Mallory are next." Jacob says wiggling his eyebrows. I nudge him with my elbow. He chuckles and kisses my cheek.

"Lay off. So it's a coincidence. Big deal." I say with a shrug.

"Big deal?" Lindsey asks with her jaw dropped. "This isn't just a coincidence. It's fate." I cross my eyes and glance at Jacob. He leans in towards me.

"Yeah babe. You can't mess with fate." He whispers in my ear. I back away from him and see him grinning.

"Whatever." I mumble. "Why don't you study or something?" I ask him pointing to his backpack that still has all of his work in it.

"I don't study." I do a double take.

"Then how are you so smart?" Lindsey asks shocked.

"I understand material easily." He says with a shrug. "CJ is the one who actually studies and Jhordian has a photographic memory." We all look at Jhordian.

"Seriously?" I ask. He just shrugs in response. "Then why are you not top of the class?" He shrugs again.

"I just don't put in the work. I could if I wanted to but I don't care for it."

"Wow." Is all Lindsey says. "Do you wanna trade brains?"

"There are other things in there that you don't want. Trust me, they all beat having a photographic memory." CJ says not looking up. Jhordian glares over at him then smirks as if thinking it over and deciding that he's right.

"It's pointless having a photographic memory if you don't understand what you're remembering though." Jacob says.

"Not necessarily." Lindsey says. Jacob rolls his eyes.

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