Fighting for Love

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(Jacob's P.O.V)

Taylor and I haven't been spending as much time together. It seems now that I'm single she wants nothing to do with me. She was just a distraction from losing Lexi. Now that I don't have her I'm constantly having things that remind me of her. I always find ways to compare Lexi to Taylor and right now Lexi is winning by a landslide. Jasmine still isn't talking to me and mom seems a little disappointed in me.

The doorbell rings and breaks me out of my trance. I sigh and get out from under my comforter they I've been laying in all morning even though it's barely ten.

"Hey!" Taylor exclaims walking in and embracing me in a hug the moment I open the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm her to take you out. Didn't you get my text?" No, I've had my phone off for three days.

"No, I haven't checked it." Which want a total lie. "Where exactly are you taking me?"

"To the café. You need some coffee in your life."

"I don't like coffee."

"I didn't ask if you liked it. You might need a muffin too."

"Taylor, I don't feel like-"

"It wasn't open for debate. You've been shutting people out for almost a week. Now go-" but she didn't get to finish before another voice started talking.

"Hey Jacob-" She says as she climbs up the porch steps. She freezes and looks at Taylor then at me. I stare at her with my mouth open.

The girl I fell in love with, the only girl who can make me heart beat out of control just by smiling, the girl who can take every pain I have and make me forget about it, the girl I thought I would never hurt but ended up hurting the most is standing two steps below me looking at Taylor again.

"Lexi." I breathe out finally blinking. "What are you doing here?" She looks over at me with her mouth open.

"Yes, what are you doing here?" Taylor bites. Lexi turns towards her again with a glare. She rolls her eyes and looks at me.

"I need to talk to you." She mumbles and takes the rest of the steps.

"Well he can't. He's going out with me." Taylor smirks. Before I know it Lexi is jumping at Taylor and she screams. I grab a hold of Lexi by her waist before she can completely get a hold of Taylor. She struggles against me trying to get a grab at her. Her body is warm and I want to hold her against me forever.

"You're psychotic!" Taylor screams. She struggles more and I tighten my grip.

"Lexi. Chill out." I whisper in her ear. "You'll crush her easily." She stops squirming but I don't let her go. Knowing her she'll pretend to be okay and then try and attack again. "Promise me you won't go for her again."

"You could promise me the same thing. But you probably won't actually go through with it. I'm done with your promises." She says quietly. After a while she sighs. "I promise. Okay?" I nod even though she can't see me and let her go slowly.

I look at Taylor. "I'm going to get ready. I'll meet you in the livingroom." She walks inside. I look over at Lexi who's looking at the ground with her hands behind her back. "Lexi?" She looks up at me. "We need to talk?" She nods and follows me inside up to my room. "What are we talking about?" I say going to my closet. I pull out some jeans and a random T-shirt. I pull the jeans over my shorts I'm wearing. I take off my shirt and look at Lexi in question since she hasn't answered. She's staring at my abs with her mouth parted. "Lexi?" I try again.

"Hmm?" She asks not looking away. I walk over to her.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I joke. She gets out her phone and takes a picture and puts it back up. I smile at her and she finally looks up. "You got a new phone." She nods.

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