Fighting for a Cheater

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(Jacob's P.O.V)

Lexi and I didn't really do anything at her house. Taylor has tried to text me nonstop and I found a way to put her off. We mainly had a movie marathon filled with movies we couldn't decide on and tried to ignore the fact that Taylor was being Taylor.

The following day at school was the same as the day before. Lexi seems to be getting stressed about Taylor and I try not to bring her up. For once Lexi wasn't the only thing consuming my every thought. Taylor was too. Every single memory, every detail, came flooding back when she came up behind me with her hug and three simple words, I missed you. I tried to talk my way out of hanging out after school but to her that's all my excuse was. Talk.

I was hoping that if I stared at the clock time would've went by slower. I sigh and look up at Lexi who's paying attention to her paper but isn't actually writing anything then in my peripheral view Taylor who's writing on her paper with headphones in. I put my head in my hands and tug on my hair. I check to see where Mrs. Stewart was and got out my phone when I saw that she was on her computer.

U ok? I type and send to Lexi. I watch her as she checks her phone.

Yeah. Fine She texts back.

I want you Princess

You have me babe ;) I smile as another text pops up. Anytime u want I chuckle to myself remembering our time at the mall and feel Taylor look at me, curiosity sparkling in her eyes. I put my phone up and concentrate on my paper still smiling. The bell rang soon after and Taylor waited while I packed up my things. Lexi came over to me and watched me pack. I looked up at her as I put my textbook away. I raise my eyebrows as she looks back at me.

"What?" I ask. She shakes her head. Worry fills her eyes and I cuff her cheek to kiss her. Her hand goes to my hair for a second before pulling away.

"You sure you'll be okay?" She asks in a barely-there whisper so Taylor doesn't hear. Her eyes are looking down at the desk. I nod and peck her lips finally dropping my hand. "Okay. Just don't let her play with your hair okay?" She says looking up at me with a playful glint in her eyes. "That's for me only." I grin at her and put hair behind her ear that was getting in her face.

"That counts as eleven right?" I ask twirling the end of a strand. She rolls her eyes and puts my hand back by my side.

"Bye babe." She says passing me.

"Bye Princess." I call after her.

Taylor and I leave after her in silence. Maybe the whole night will be like this.

"So where do you want to go?" She asks as we reach the doors to the school. I shrug. "How about ice cream? You know I've always had a weakness for it."

"Okay. So what have I missed for the past year?"

" Nothing really. Reilly and I dated a couple of months after you left and broke up about three months into school."

"When did you and that Alexa girl start dating?"

"Lexi." I corrected.

"Yeah. Her." She said snapping her fingers.

"About two months." She nods and licks her ice cream spoon before scooping up more. Right before she gets it in her mouth it falls onto her leg. She wipes most of it off with her thumb and crawls over me grab a napkin. "Thanks for the assistance." She says sarcastically.

"Sorry." She reaches for another napkin and I catch a whiff of her scent. Strawberries. She loses her balance and falls on top of my legs.

"Sorry!" She says laughing. "I don't remember being this clumsy." I join her in laughing after a couple of seconds.

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