Fighting for Advice

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

Mallory, Lindsey and I waited at the steps in front of the school for Jacob, CJ, and Jhordian. For some reason we decided to get here forty-five minutes before the first period bell rings.

"Come on. I know you two have talked." Mallory gripes. Ever since Saturday at the beach CJ hasn't talked to Lindsey, that I know of.

"That's the thing. We haven't talked." Lindsey argues with Mallory. "I feel like I'm being ignored." She grumbles.

"Guys. It's CJ y'all are talking about. Give him time to figure out what he's going to do."

"We give him a week." Mallory declares nodding to herself.

"Agreed." Someone is impatient. "Starting now. CJ has a week to figure things out before I go to him myself." Lindsey says. The conversation is made into how hard the chemistry test will be.

"Hey girls." We turn in the direction of the voice and see the guys standing before us.

"Hey guys." We say in unison. Jacob comes over to me and puts an arm around my shoulder. We all walk into the school with our own conversations. Jacob and I stop at my locker while Lindsey, Mallory, Jhordian, and CJ continue walking. I get out my binder and book for the next class and chunk it in my backpack before putting all of my homework and books from the previous night up.

"Hey you know how you love puns?" Jacob asks smiling. I look over at him and raise my eyebrows. "Well olive you." I smile.

"Really. You can do better than that."

"Oh the hu-manatee of some people." Jacob sighs. I chuckle and close my locker.

"Toucan play at that game."

"I don't want to sound cheesy but we go really Gouda together." Jacob says before standing in front of me and busting into laughter. I follow suit soon after.

"You're a real pizza work." I say after I've calmed down. "Cheesiness and all."

"It'd be great if I had another pun. Wooden it?"

"That's the seal-iest thing I've ever heard."

Jacob smiles and leans his head against my shoulder. "I love you." He tilts his head and kisses my cheek.

"Love you too." I kiss his cheek back and we walk over to Lindsey's locker where the rest of the group is.

"The love doves are here." Jhordian says.

"It's the swans that love. Doves are for peace." CJ corrects.

"Well swan and love don't rhyme but dove and love do. Therefore it's love doves." Jhordian explains earning an eye roll from CJ.

"Anyways, to solve a logarithmic equation you have to set up the log base number equal to the other log base number and then you divide the right side by the left." Mallory says to Lindsey.

"But what about when it has like numbers and letters."

"Then you set the number and letter as a binomial and then you subtract the one that has the letter. Then put it on the other side but you can't combine the two because they have different log bases. You get rid of the variable and then divide the right side by the left." Lindsey gives her a bewildered look.

"Can you take the test for me?" Mallory rolls her eyes.

"You'll be fine Lindsey. You always end up acing ever test you worry about." CJ says.

"But I have no clue how to do logarithmic equations."

"Lindsey." He pauses while staring at her. "You'll do fine." She nods but she doesn't look convinced. "I have to go. I need to grab some homework I missed Friday." CJ salutes us and walks away.

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