Fighting for the Newbie

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

The week that followed went by kind of slow. Monday morning Mom took me and Juliana to our schools for our schedules and tours of the school. It was pretty awkward with everyone staring at me. The rest of the day I hung around the house watching tv. Tuesday Juliana and I got a call from the gym saying we made senior 5. We were told our practice times and days. Coach Daniel also said that since we were new that we had to arrange days to learn our routine which turned out to be Wednesday through Sunday.

During my free time on those days I went walking around or playing at the beach. Sunday night I got my stuff ready for Monday, took a shower, and ate dinner. I started a group text with Payton, Meagan, Jordan, and Tyler and told them about my mental breakdown.

Before bed I play my new routine music to make sure I remember everything. My sister joins in sometime during it and we end up playing it over and over again. We finally say goodnight and fall asleep fast.

One second there's my routine music playing and I'm doing a kick double down. The next thing I know everything is quiet except for this loud blaring noise coming from somewhere. My bases freeze and forget to catch me and I fall. Before I hit the mats though, I jolt awake sitting straight up in bed. I look around to see where the noise is coming from and I look at my alarm. I shut it off and lay down throwing a pillow over my head.

"Thank you for waking me up!" My sister yells closing the bathroom door by her room.

"Good morning to you too!" I yell as I make my way to my connected bathroom. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and decide to straighten my hair. When I get back in my room I decide to text everyone.

First day... not ready! I say and press send to the group. I go to my closet and grab the first pair of jeans and t-shirt I see. When I put them on I look down and see it's the shirt from the cheer gym I got a couple of days ago. Its a black t-shirt and on the front it has the gym's logo in the left corner and on the back it says When God made me he said ta-da!

I dig through my closet and look for converse to match. I roll my jeans up to my calves and go downstairs to find breakfast. Mom didn't make anything so I grab a bowl, spoon, milk, and cereal. I pour both of them in and head back upstairs to watch tv. I check my phone and read all the encouraging texts they all responded with. I thank them and start eating my cereal. When the show ends and my bowl is empty I check for the time. It's 7:50 and the bell is going to ring in twenty minutes. I go downstairs and rinse my bowl before putting it in the sink. I rush back upstairs and grab my backpack and phone.

I freeze at my doorway. Why didn't I just bring my stuff downstairs with me? I sigh. It's going to be a long day.

My school is only five to ten minutes away if you walk. There are four grades at this school, ninth to twelfth. I had already lost Juliana who was a ninth grader. There were a lot of people and I bumped into them no matter what. I would avoid getting hit by one person just to get hit by another.

Two guys start walking toward me and I look around to find another path so we don't collide. Before I know it they're standing right in front of me and I stop short.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"You seem lost babe. A pretty girl like you should have a stud like me show you around." I smile and laugh a little. "Hey. See I knew I could get you to smile. Come on, Newbie. Lets go somewhere where you're not being squished to death." I hesitate as I watch him turn and walk away.

"He's not gonna hurt you, you know." I look over and see the other guy still standing there.

"I'm supposed to trust your word?" He shrugs.

"Suit yourself." He turns and starts walking away.

"Wait!" He turns back around to face me. I start walking to him and he lets me pass. The closer to the school we get the less people there are. We catch up to the first guy as the bell rings and I jump a little.

"Why so jumpy?" The second guy asks. I put my hair behind my ear.

"I'm not. I just didn't think it would be that loud." They both start laughing at me and I roll my eyes. "It's not that funny." I pause while they continue to laugh. "Look I didn't follow you up here to be harassed."

"Then why did you follow us?" The first one asked. I shrug.

"I'm new here. I could use some friends."

"You don't know us. We could be thiefs, or killers, or something."

"I didn't say it would be you two. I just said I could use some friends."

"It was implied though." The second one said.

"Ever heard the saying, 'jumping to conclusions'?" They both smile.

"You're pretty cool."

"Cool enough to know your names?"

"I'm CJ, and this is Jhordian." The second one says. CJ checks the time.

"Come on, Newbie. Class will start in five minutes." We start walking in the halls and CJ and Jhordian start talking about something. I look around for a little while then glance at Jhordian who is looking back at me.

"What?" I ask.

"I just noticed you never told us your name." I smile.

"Lexi." We finally reached my class and we stop at the doorway.

"Okay then Lexi. One more question." He pauses for dramatic effect. "Do you have a twin sister?"

"No. She's in ninth grade."

"I told y'all." CJ says to Jhordian who shrugs. The guys said that they would walk me to my next class and to stay right by the door.

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