Fighting for Cheer Tryouts

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Lexi's P.O.V

"Lexi wake up!" Juliana yelled shaking me. I sat up.

"What?" I asked trying to get my bearings on where I am.

"Mom said come eat some breakfast." she said already making her way over to the door. I looked around my room then reached for my phone on my nightstand. It was nine twenty-seven. I set my phone back down and grabbed the picture sitting behind my phone. It was of Meagan, Payton, Jordan, Tyler, and me. Last year I found out the birthday guy's name was Tyler. During the summer Jordan, Tyler, and I would hang out all day. The picture was of all five of us at Dave & Busters. We had just finished playing and getting our prizes. Jordan and Tyler had put their tickets together and got me a huge bear.

I set the picture back down and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I remembered that today is open gym and tomorrow is tryouts. I went downstairs and made my plate of pancakes and eggs with some milk. I was halfway done when Juliana came in the kitchen along with my mom.

"Lexi can I borrow your sparkly silver nike pros? Please?"

"Only if you let me wear your light purple sports bra." I said through bites of pancake.

"And your Varsity's?" she asked.

"Nfinity's?" I asked.

"Purple bow?' she asked.

"White bow?" She thought for a second.

"Deal." She ran out of the kitchen and into my room. I took a bite from my eggs and looked up and caught my mom staring.

"What?" I asked.

"Twins I swear." Mom said and walked out of the kitchen.

"It's bad to swear." I mumbled and finished my last bite of breakfast. I went into my room and Juliana was still digging in the drawers for her outfit. I watched her. Juliana is two years younger than me. She's about my height, shorter hair, is lankier, with chubby cheeks. We pretty much look alike and act the same and we're really close. Along with that we borrow each others clothes, Nike pros, cheer shoes, bows, sports bras, converse, jeans (sometimes), and t-shirts. I guess in a way we are twins. Every time we're by each other people ask if twins.

We've cheered together for three years and we've always been flyers together, side by side in our stunts. I've cheered since I was three but Juliana just started a few years ago. We both have the same skills down but when it comes to cheer we are completely different, at least our strengths and weaknesses are. She's all courage and risky. With everything she does she just says go for it. Who'll care what the outcome is? Definitely not the coaches. Meanwhile, I'm safe and overthinking. I mentally list all the pros and cons of everything that is my weakness. She's better at stunts and dances and I'm better at tumbling and jumps. We work together on our weaknesses and separate on strengths. We both learn the same thing at the end of the day.

She finds all of the outfit pieces and sashays out of the room.

When I check my phone I see a text from Meagan.

Mornin sunshine! Finish unpackin?

My room. Start skool next Mon.

Good luck! Gtg prac. Love ya!

Much love 2 u 2

I lock my phone and collapse onto my bed. The water starts running from the hallway bathroom. I stare out my window and a bird comes onto the branch and stares at me. I go to my window and open it. The bird flies away instantly and I grab onto the branch to climb up. I climb up three more stumps and go to the corner of the branch. I stand up fully and look around. You could climb down from right here. I could also climb higher if I wanted. I sit down and lean against the trunk. When I hear the water cut off I crawl back inside.

An hour and a half later Juliana and I are in our sports bras, Nike pros, cheer shoes, and our hair is up in a ponytail with bows. We grab our bags and head out the door promising to be home at three so we can finish unpacking. Since we had half an hour to waste before the doors open for the gym I offered to show Juliana what I've seen so far. As we made our way back from our short tour we kept going to the side I hadn't seen yet. There were more cafes, a soccer field, our new schools, a volleyball gym, the cheer gym, a basketball gym that had guys practicing inside was open for all eyes to see, a park with sidewalks that intertwined with each other and benches scattered, a playground for younger kids, a basketball court, and an open area of grass. It was only a five minutes walk from our house. We make our way back to the cheer gym.

"Are you gonna do volleyball?" I ask as we reach the doors.

"Probably. Are you?"

"Probably. But it won't be the same without Meagan."

"Neither will soccer." She adds for me.

"Yeah. That too."

We set our bags down along the wall and sit by the edge of the mat and stretch. Juliana is close enough to me when we are doing our straddle stretch so she leans in.

"Tumble Battle?" She mutters questionably. I smile and look at her.

"Sure but you already know who will win." She smirks and we make our way over to a corner of the mat. She turns towards me after turning her music on and does a standing tuck and looks up at me when she lands it and sticks her tongue out. She continues with a two step backhand spring full, front punch, round off, backhand spring, layout, full and poses as the music stops. Everyone is looking at her and she makes her way over to me. I smirk and now everyone is really watching us. I play my music and turn towards Juliana. I do a toe touch with three standing tucks and wink at her. She rolls her eyes and I do a standing full. I do a couple of motions that go with the music and then I start my running pass. I do a round off, backhand spring, layout, two backhand springs, half turn, front punch step out, round off, tuck, full and stick it perfectly. I whip my head in a circle as the music ends and walk back to my sister who can't hide her grin.

"Show off." She says and I hug her. Everyone is clapping and starts whispering about us.

"Very impressive." We both turn around and everyone gets quiet. It's the coach. "I hope you are here to tryout and not just show off your skills and leave." Then he smiles. "I'm Coach Daniel." He held out his hand and we took turns shaking it. "I hope I see you two tomorrow." Then he walks away. I look over at Juliana with a straight face.

"I think I won the battle." I say. She shoves me playfully and rolls her eyes.

"Only because you were being a show off."

"I think it's cause I'm better." I say and stick my tongue out. Then I go back to the corner and go again.

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