Fighting for Relaxation

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

We only had a few more weeks until school ends. Most weekends the whole group spent most of the day at the beach whether it was actually getting in the water, getting a tan, drinking slushies, or playing volleyball or basketball.

Almost every time we went to the beach though we brought homework. With school coming to an end we had to get ready for finals along with cramming in everything we were supposed to be taught throughout the year.

"Come on. We don't ever do anything with just us three." Mallory complains. She is currently trying to get Lindsey and I to agree to a girls day next weekend.

"Mal, you know I would but I need as much time to study as I can." Lindsey argues. It's not that she's dumb or incapable of understanding the homework but ever since the downfall with her dad she just can't catch up with all the work that's been thrown at her. CJ has been helping her as much as he can but even he can only do so much because he is also struggling along with his own problems. He hardly ever shares what's going on but we all know about it but it seems only Jhordian and Lindsey truly know what he's dealing with.

When I really think about it we all have dark secrets that we're keeping from at least half the group. Jacob doesn't talk about his nightmares, Lindsey doesn't talk about her family situation, CJ doesn't talk about his dad, Jhordian doesn't talk about himself in general, I don't talk about my life at my old home, and Mallory doesn't talk about her love life which is weird because she's always wanting to talk about ours.

"Lexi?" I snap my head up and look between Mallory and Lindsey.


"What's your excuse gonna be?"

"What do you mean?"

"For girls day. I voted yay, Lindsey voted nay."

"I agree with Lindsey. We do need to study but then again it's been forever and a decade since we've had a day to just us three. I think we should reward ourselves." I shrug.

"Really?" Mallory asks excited.

"Really?" Lindsey asks dumbfounded and shocked.

"Sure. Why not?"

"Because you're not one to do girly stuff like this?" Lindsey forms as a question.

"Since when?" I ask.

"Since never." She says in a 'duh' tone. I roll my eyes.

"Lindsey we need this. Even if we do only have a few weeks left. You've been stressing all year with work and other things. We all just need a day off from it. Just one day." Lindsey sighs and runs her hand through her hair.

"I don't know guys."

"Come on Lindsey. Even Lexi said yes." Mallory pleads.

"Fine." She groans. "One day. That's it." She says pointing at Mallory with a firm look on her face.

"Yes!" Mallory stands and does a happy dance when the guys come over.

"What's she so excited about?" Jacob asks sitting next to me on my towel.

"We agreed to do a girls day before the end of the year." I sigh. Jacob kisses my head.

"Sounds fun." I lay my head on his shoulder after I finish my homework.

"I still can't believe you brought homework to the beach. I mean it's the beach."

"Yeah and this homework is due tomorrow."

"The beach is where your supposed to relax and have fun."

"Or where you get your homework done." I fire back.

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