Fighting for a School Day

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

I'm sitting at the table with Mallory, two guys I still don't know the names of, and Lindsey. I was zoning in and out of each conversation they were having. I stared at my unknown food source that was on my plate.

"You don't have to stare at your food like you're going to kill it. It didn't do anything." Someone whispered in my ear. It only caused me to glare at it even more.

"Well I can't look at the lunch ladies like this can I? Therefore I will give my food the death glare." I mumbled. I look at Jacob.

"It didn't do anything."

"You're seriously going to stick up for the cafeteria ladies?"

"No, I'm sticking up for the food who is giving you fiber, keeping you alive, and trying it's best to look as appetizing as possible and here you are making it doubt itself ." I just look at him. Was he still talking about the food? Two minutes later I'm still looking at him completely and utterly dumbfounded. I realized my mouth was open and closed it glancing back at my plate.

"You're such a dork." I mumbled picking up my fork.

"Apologize to the food." I look at him.

"What?" Was he serious? He wanted me to-

"Apologize. To. The. Food."

"You're not serious." I look around the rest of the table and sure enough they're all staring. Mallorie is passed laughing and rolling on the floor. Literally. Everyone else is covering their mouths attempting to cover their laughs as coughs. I looked down at my food and back at Jacob. He raises an eyebrow and looks back and forth towards my plate. I know that look. I'm dead serious. Apologize now. I'm waiting.

I looked down once again and say "sorry" under my breath. I glanced over at Jacob who smiles and shakes his head. All I can think right now is, what just happened?

The principal comes over and tells Mallory to get off the floor and finish eating.

"Why would they care if I'm on the floor?" She asks when he's out of earshot.

"So they know you're not having a seizure or constipated?" I suggest.

"Or maybe they do it because they don't clean the floors and don't want you to go home sick and then have your parents sue." One of the guys, Mason?- I think is his name- says. I give him a confused look and Mallory nods in agreement.

"I like his suggestion better." She says after a while in thought. I feel Jacob beside me try not to laugh.

"No. You like him." I say quiet enough to where only Mallorie can hear me. In return, I get a slap under the table.

Jacob gets out his phone and starts playing on it still smiling to himself. I hit his arm and glare at him.

"Oww! What was that for?" He yelps.

"I'm about to wipe that stupid grin off your face!" As I finish my threat his smile turns into that heart melting grin that has me staring with my mouth open. God, I hate him. He closes my mouth.

"You're starting to drool Princess." I glare again.

"Your ego is sucking the life out of me and taking up way too much room." I stand up and grab my bag. " I'm going to library." I announce and pick up my tray to throw it away.

Once I reach the doors and start making my way to the library do I hear the footsteps padding after me.

"Not only did you give your food a death glare, you didn't even take a bite of it." I ignore his comment and walk a little faster to the library. Much to my dismay he finds a corner and pulls me with him. He's trying to hide his smile. It doesn't work and that lazy grin appears again. He starts to play with loose strands from my hair and laughs a little.

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