Fighting for Meeting the Newbie

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(Jacob's P.O.V)

Of course when I step foot into first period everyone stares and whispers about the breakup. I roll my eyes and take a seat next to Jhordian and CJ.

"Where have you been?" CJ asks as I take a seat.

"Woke up late. What's up?"

"We met the new girl. She's pretty cool." I just look at them. "What? I'm just saying she's cool. I didn't say she's gonna be your next future wife, chill."

"No but you are talking about a girl none the less. I just dumped one, I don't need to think about another."

"Exactly you just dumped her. Not the other way around. Meaning you're over her so start acting like it." CJ said. Jhordian shook his head and mumbled 'Drama Queen' under his breath.

"Get your nickels out your ass." CJ says after a while. I raise an eyebrow.

"Did you just say, 'Get your nickels out your ass'?"

"Yes because that's exactly what's in it among other shit." I shake my head and chuckle to myself. Jhordian starts snickering before he can't control it and bursts out with laughter. CJ looks back and forth between us. "What?"

"Nickels." Jhordian mutters before laughing again.

"What is so fucking funny?" CJ asks getting annoyed.

"It's knickers. Not nickels. You know, like underwear?" I say between breaths of laughter.


"It's get your knickers out of your ass. Not nickels." I say calming my laughter.

"Oh oh. I got one. Don't get your pennies in a twist." Jhordian and I burst out laughing and CJ rolls his eyes flipping us off.

"Fuck you guys."

"Dude. Chill on the language." I tell him.

"If I had a knicker for every time you just cussed, I'd have four knickers." Jhordian says laughing.

After class ended I went with Tucker to our next period. Jhordian and CJ said something about picking the new girl up, I think.

Once again people stared and whispered and I roll my eyes again while we find a seat. Tucker doesn't ask about it and I don't bring it up. We sat closer to the back and did nothing. Every so often Tucker would show me a drawing he did out of boredom and we would start laughing. The teacher would look over at us and glare and we tried so hard not to laugh. Today we were writing an essay on why its important to have a good first impression on people. We start our outline and I only got halfway through the paper.

During the passing period Brett and Brandon pass us on their way to their next class and when I think they're out of sight, they come back and start shoving me. We start playing around in the hallway. When they run away I walk into Algebra class laughing, and say bye to Tucker. I actually ignored all the staring and take my seat in the middle of the room. The teacher starts attendance and looks up with a confused look on her face. The new girls walks in and looks around for a second. She sees the teacher and they talk quietly for a few minutes.

"Alright class." The teacher says standing up straight. "This is Lexi. She's new so make sure you're on your best behavior." I stare at her. Average height, blue eyes, brunette hair that flows down to her shoulder blades. She's wearing some cheer shirt with a gym logo, jeans that are rolled up, and converse. I don't know if she's avoiding eye contact with everyone or is genuinely curious because she looks around the room reading every poster on the wall. "OK kiddos. You know how I love questions. So lets get to it."

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