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⌜ RED ⌟

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⌜ RED ⌟

"I've been meaning to ask... why do you break the dress code exactly?"

    A brow unconsciously raises as his eyes awaited response, glittering and doe as an attempt to sway you to speak. You laughed at his attempt to do so and nod in approval to answer the question.

    You took another sip of the tea in hand before it was placed down whilst your lips escaped a sigh of relief feeling the bittersweet taste tickle your tongue, the cup now empty as if its contents vanished into thin air. The two of you had chitter chattered for quite some time due to the lenght of your break, it was a pros but the cons was that it was your only break as your duty in the alchemy comission.

"They're less strict on dress code, and red is an integral part of my identity. That's... my best answer to this."

    His head lowered as his eyes stared at his own teacup, full. You gave a small smile and patiently awaited his response as his mind began to swallow the new information given by you, even funnily using small hand gestures as a way of understanding alongside low murmurs.

"Red... just like my ribbon?"

    His hand awkwardly raised and pointed at the red tie on his hair, your eyes followed as it darts fast before you began quietly observing his soft creamy white hair.

   No doubt messy.

   You hum and nod, it was a basic question, yet his eyes glittered a joyful satisfaction to the answer as the questioneer. 

   But your lips plumped into a pout, your irritation to his hair growing. He undoubtedly looked adorable in that manner but you being you, you eventually had enough impatience and abruptly stood up amidst his joyous celebration, approaching him behind his back with your face in major disapproval.

    Due to the non-fed context, he looked at you in minor surprise yet fear seeing your face which was terrifying to the young lad. A few more steps before you stood behind his back, his hair on full display quite a mess, you clicked your tongue and loosened the red tie, deciding you'll fix it yourself.

"Do you know a thing or two about tying hair?"

    His head only shook slightly as a little 'nope' he didn't dare to utter a word seeing such an intensity of an aura from you earlier. Probably humiliatingly in fear on whatever you'd do to him, even if you had just barely done anything yet.

    Well, no doubt he spoke truth seeing it was fast and messy. Add in the fact he's usually often running and fighting around anywhere and everywhere; this red hair tie must be clinging onto life itself.

    Your fingers delicately began doing their work, you were admittedly afraid if you were all too harsh with the physical contact, so you tried to do so gently. A half ponytail sways softly left to right as the hair tie secured it in tack by your hands as you were beginning to finish the intended result.

   Admittedly the half ponytail was nearly larger than that of the remaining hair strands, just why did his hair have to be so... soft and thick? You sighed at the irritation.

(This is his actual hairstyle I think, and no doubt it's fluffy and thick)

   And you were done. You swiftly made your way back to your chair and glanced at him for a better look, your face lit up in satisfaction seeing it looked pretty decent. Though Jing Yuan on the other hand looked at you with curiosity, referencing your reaction to your former action.

"Why don't I teach you how to do it yourself? It's easy enough."

    You proposed with a soft smile, your eyes glanced at Jing Yuan then to both teacups standing idly by the small table, empty. Both of you were nearly done anyway unless chatter like these continues until a dawning midnight.

"Not like I have anything else to do today."

    A grin plastered on his lips, as if an eager student awaiting a teacher. You chuckle and approach him again, ready to probably have a struggle or two to teach him such a simple thing.

You were just unaware this'll be
sticking to his identity


I have too much free time since it's weekends now, but then again it's the middle of the night why am I even saying that

⌜ 11.18.23 ⌟

" Red. "

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