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"Just return immediately when you're done, okay!"

"Yes Helm-Master!"

"Oh, and go visit the Sky-Faring Commission to double check—"

"Check the parcel, I gotta focus now before I— Wah!?"

    Baiheng soon cuts off the contact within the jade abaci as she scrams to regain control of the civilian starskiff, though in typical fashion she ultimately fails and... ram into another poor construction.

    She soon hops off and sees the destructive view of the crash, though the view felt oddly familiar...

"Awe, guess this month's paycheck goes down the drain."

    Even the interior looked expensive for such a basic garden, wait! Isn't this...!?

    Before she could make a conclusion a cold hand slaps onto her shoulder, her ears point straight as she flinches in fear.

    This better be a nightmare, this better be a nightmare, this better be a nightmare!

"Don't worry I'll make sure that doesn't happen, you starskiff killer."

    The lady chuckles, Baiheng who immediately registered the voice turns around and sees the white-haired lady looking at her amused. She can't help but heave a sigh of relief as she places a hand onto her chest seeing it wasn't her parents in which she pictured in her mind.

"Thanks Jingliu!!"

    Baiheng cheers gleefully in the comfort of stress, though it soon subsided, and the embarrassment rolled back around as Jingliu examines the distressed starskiff that quite literally looked way beyond repair. But fear not, this sight was usual for the lilac Foxian, she's sure it just looks like that on paper, it'll still be manageable... right?

    After all its brand new! Even General Huaiyan gave it to her personally as a freebie after Baiheng offered Yingxing a free trip back to The Zhumming. She also took it to the Yaoqing after on a quick supply run and now...

"Yeah, I don't think that'll survive."

"Baiheng, j—just report the incident already we're already on the General's garden."

    Jingliu coughs awkwardly as Baiheng scrams out of the scene with her face red like a tomato.

"How's the wine?"

    After the whole shenanigans and a short talk with the General the two settled down elsewhere, a secluded place in which a table and a chair was but the roof. But the two ladies were quite comfortable as they gaze afar the lofty clouds that hugged one another as the sun slowly moves into the hazy afternoon.

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