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"And then there was this one guy who bumped into me, he looked so tall!!"

    He pouted as he sipped the cup of tea to try to calm himself down with his non-stop ranting of explosive yet wonderous stories. Another hour passed with him and the final one to be before you return to your daily shift.

    So he told is bizarre stories and side comments to pass the time.

    His lips released a deep sigh of relief feeling now at ease, but dear heavens it was just a brief moment of piece before he slapped the table albeit attempting to weaken the impact due to the poor table's experience of major abuse.

"This isn't fair, this isn't fair! When will I get tall!"

    You could only laugh at his predicament and raised your index finger close to your lips, signaling to stay quiet. Though this was a specifically located area which offered solace and amazing views of the seashores to Scalegorge Waterscape by none other than you, even you can guess his loud booming voice could be heard on the other side of the delve.

    Realizing so, his lips pursed closed for a short moment of oath in lowering his volume as his lips part once again as if ready to rap the essays of complaints active in his mind, papers of long essays put into shambles in doing so.

"Please tell me, do you- by any rare, odd, one of a kind, one million in a chance percent... have medicine to grow taller?"

    He looked right at you eye-to-eye with such tempting and adorable puppy eyes, attempting to sway you in spilling a satisfactory answer to his humiliating desperation to grow taller.


    You snapped back as you gave a stern look to his puppy-eyes as your eyes narrowed, though in your head your look was one of stern- it was just unamused. You shook your head firmly as to deny his wild thoughts and crossed your arms.

"Just wait, I'm sure you'll eventually grow taller once you grow up."

     Whether be his mentality or physicality you cared nonetheless as no doubt he'd probably have a growth spurt in height, though hard to imagine for the current one you see; ultimately and hilariously short.

     But even so— you had to vouch on your final statement as you'd already experienced yours, since you and Jing Yuan have an age gap which would be considered short; you doubt it'll be long before he begins to grow tall himself.

     Though unsatisfied with the response, the questionnaire lowly nods with a deep sigh seeing you remained the same, unmoving. Then you felt a gut feeling, you began to pack up your tea set finally preparing to go back to work, unfortunately your endearing conversation having to end.

    He picked up fast to your tracks and intentions, his face a little calmer but it showed no joy. He stood up and helped you out, and soon enough the area was clean and now... it was just one final task...

"I'll see you tomorrow, make sure to come before my break."


    He only lets out a dry chuckle and waves at you slowly, before he left. Leaving you all here alone, well you might as well return to your shift now...

But the rest of the day was admittingly an impasse.


3 chapters in a day, wow. Ok but then again I barely even slept and I did all of this when I was bored + weekends? yea haha.

I'm sorry it lasted like 3 chapters for a literal single break but I swear I'll shorten it in the near future

Btw Jing Yuan is considered young atm but he will grow up probably within a few chapters so dw you'll see the usual him (not in personality terms) in hsr


" It's you! The tall-scary-black looking guy! "

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