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"And you told me you didn't ask to get patched!?"

    You look at him in disbelief; you could say you did feel flattered seeing he observed you attentively during former times you'd patch him, but it was quite insulting to see his diligence was lackluster in return.

    He sheepishly smiled in return and unconsciously glanced at his new markings.

"Does it look like I would ask them!"

    He fought back, his face pouting as a way of persuasion. But no way you're buying that crap as you only look at him with your unmoving reaction, and after you sighed.

    You two had a back and forth on the petty topic before you two finally settled the matter by sipping your tea.

    You can't help but remember your abrupt encounter with his master, Jingliu. Your eyebrows furrowed just remembering her words:

    "...How does Jing Yuan treat you, young one?"

    Even if you had already answered her question at that time, you can't help but feel unsatisfied with the answer. As if more words were needed.

    The train bullet of thoughts was interrupted as Jing Yuan called out your name, looking at you curiously and concerned the moment your eyes landed on his.

"Are you alright?"


    You sighed and just responded with silence in return as you emptied your cup of tea.

    It was fair enough on his end, your expression had unconsciously shifted into that of annoyance whilst you spaced out overthinking about that conversation.

"I'm just thinking, that's all."

    Those words slip through your mouth, and he simply nodded in reply before he began to talk on lighter topics. Letting the thoughts be reserved in the back of your head to be dealt with later.

    You don't seriously know how and why you two ended up here.

    "Would you like to see Scalegorge Waterscape?"

    With those simple words you are now somehow walking up these familiar stairs with strides as if you own this place alongside Jing Yuan who was trailing behind and bombarding you with questions.

    And then you stopped in your tracks as you reached the High Elder Statue, staring at it for a moment and lowering your lamp in hand before you look back at Jing Yuan to make sure he was intact.

    His eyes glimmered that of awe, you can't help but chuckle at the reaction also feeling the same way.

    After which you settled down at the entrance of the ancient sea palace which was still closed off.

    Even if there were no Pearlkeepers currently guarding the place, you took a mental note on it in case anyone arrives for questioning.

"So, why did you invite me here? It's already nighttime you know."

    You glance at him, despite the dim lighting you both have, that did not stop his face radiating his charms.

"I just wanted to see the sights again..."

    You breathed out a sigh. Even if you felt the fatigue which was chasing you from your back, you just wanted to clear your mind.

    It was upsetting you were often loss in the mood whenever you encountered Jing Yuan, perhaps the stress was coming back at you? It was something of a possibility.

    No words were exchanged for a while, simply admiring the views as the waves swayed back and forth with the moon clearly illuminating in the waters. 

    You were left alone to think your own thoughts as Jing Yuan stayed by your side, seemingly stealing a glance at you from time to time out of concern.

"And I didn't expect two guests by the time I returned."

    That disruptive voice came out of nowhere, but you were quick to register who it was, turning around and meeting eye to eye with the High Elder who also looked stressed himself.

    Jing Yuan lips parted out of awe and bowed out of respect, Dan Feng piqued interest and looked at the stranger which was your friend.

    Oh boy.

"And who's this?"

    Dan Feng asked, and Jing Yuan immediately glanced at you, seeking your help. You chuckled and began introduction.

"Jing Yuan, just a friend of mine and a cloud knight."

    You were quite sure you didn't need to introduce Dan Feng to Jing Yuan. Almost everyone in the Luofu knew of the powerful vidyadhara.

    Everything was silence before you notice Dan Feng looking at you, immediately you understand and let out a sheepish smile.

"I-I just wanted to see the sights..."

    He eyed at you, not buying your excuse. But he remained silent as you two stared off all whilst poor Jing Yuan watched the whole thing unfold.

    Eventually all of you calmed down and mingle amongst the three of you, fortunately, you were able to find similar topics of interests to continue on the conversation.

    It was good you were able to feel lighthearted even with such thoughts which haunted you in the back of your head.

    The conversation lasted for a while before all of you chose to finally part ways, deciding to retire for the night.

    You also handed him some tea packs as some sort of apology and Jing Yuan begged the man to be friends, by the amusements of Dan Feng on Jing Yuan, Dan Feng accepted.

     Well at least that didn't go as bad.

    The moment Dan Feng was out of eyeshot Jing Yuan immediately latched onto you, delighted to be friends with the High Elder. You can't help but laugh and nod along, your mood now increased as you two went back.

Ah right... your fatigue... best handle that later while the fun lasts.


So I basically disappeared for days sorry hehe, I did a lot these past few days and finally finished this draft which was basically sitting around for a whole week.

Anyways, will I do a special chap? I'll work on it, not now cause I actually wanna sleep. I finished this chap the moment I returned home

⌜ 12.29.23 ⌟

" Let's see if this 'Sword Champion of the Luofu' is worthy! "

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