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⌜ PURE ⌟

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"Another free day..."

    This time, you personally asked for a leave of absence for today. All to spend a day alongside the coated white lands.

    This season only came once a year during December in specific parts of the Xianzhou, some remained intact as if the climate is never changing, and the fortunate ones are able to be witness the strange ecosystem the Xianzhou ships have formed.

    It's only unfortunate that there's no holiday or declaration of day offs in the days where the weather would change drastically, as if it's treated like any other normal day.

    Step by step you watch as your boots made a mark amongst the piling trail of white as snowflakes would fall upon every part of you, melting almost immediately as if you were death itself.

    You roamed around some stores, even with no exclusive items and familiar trinkets and shopkeepers, you still bought a small product or two to be productive in a way.

    Not like you had much to do with your money at this point.

    After a while you stopped at a familiar railing where you'd be seeing the best view of the Ambrosial Arbor by Exalting Sanctum. Remembering the familiar encounter with Jing Yuan.

    Say, was he even slacking off that time during working hours?

    Actually wait... how did people not even question his Cloud Knight attire during your little food trip in Aurumn Alley?

    You don't remember much so discarded the trivial thought as you admire the view of the intimidating yet awe-striking tree despite the cold.

   Despite your attire fit that of the cold, your body has yet to adapt to such an environment. You can't help but breathe out a sigh which left a trail of mist which swiftly dissipated.

    Of course, you were often locked up as a child. Forced to learn and reach the expectations of your parents, basically having a bored childhood even if the snow had once enticed you to go out as a kid.

    But you're glad you were now free from that.

    The thoughts were interrupted as you felt a tap on the back, turning around and lo and behold, Jing Yuan.

    His face lightened up and gave you a cheeky smile, he seemed proud to have spotted you as his intuition— or more accurately; your golden hairpin, gave your identity away.

    Now this time it was odd to see him in such... normal attire. You were so used to his Cloud Knight attire it's so foreign to see him look like an everyday citizen.

"Don't tell me you asked for leave too."

    He nodded with a proud smile. Seems like he too wanted to savor the temporary winter land.

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