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Time sure does fly fast

Jing Yuan... he's been the same as ever but their achievements were given acknowledge, and now he's under Jingliu's wing as a disciple, who is a high-regarded swordsman in all of Xianzhou.

Not that it's bad I'm obviously proud, but there were occasions where Jing Yuan unfortunately cannot join me for a cup of tea for a break. I had to mend ways to cure my boredom whenever this happened, so I picked up literature and improved my writing skills.

And sure enough, a month passed. Even Jing Yuan's comment of 'time's too slow' felt like a joke, now Jing Yuan's birthday is within 2 days, I'm still debating whatever to give him.

Most of the Xianzhou natives do not count the calendars for their birthday even so far as thinking like it's just any other normal day, but I admit I detest this and want to celebrate, even if it's just minor. Besides this birthday might actually be significant, just have to wait though.

Now that I think about it, he's also actually growing taller. Well from what I can tell anyway unless my eyes decieve me. Maybe it really is or isn't the birthday that's being awaited just yet.

As for my work for the alchemy commission, same as ever. But I have met a patient which piqued my interest, her name was Baiheng.

She was as vibrant as a flower and bright as the sun, she even reminds me of Jing Yuan sometimes. Undoubtedly she was someone who could fit the shoes whenever my day was dull and a bore.

Well... thinking about Jing Yuan now, I still do think about what my true relationship with Jing Yuan is...

Yes we can be considered as friends but as far as I was concerned. He is my patient first and foremost who comes by to patch up after going to the front lines, but that also feels weird to think and say... it's hard to find a pinpointed answer.

Nevermind I think I'm thinking too much, I need to worry about the gift first. I'll end my diary entry here.


⌜ 00.00.01 ⌟

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