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⌜ REST? ⌟

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⌜ REST? ⌟


   He yelled loudly, a stark contrast to the room and you who was simply in peace. Despite often spacing out in matches, you funnily enough still win despite your sloppy moves and close calls.

    There was a part of you that was gladdened his tone easily snapped you back numerous times but the other part of you couldn't agree otherwise.

    Even with mixed emotions you still continue to entertain the young man as to not bore him with other matters that lingered on your mind. So, you've been spending about an hour playing rematches after rematches with him and it was admittedly amusing to you to see his kindred spirit didn't dare to back down despite all the losses.

    With a small sigh escaping your lips after some thoughts, you raised your index finger until it reaches your lips, shushing the loud man. In a blink of an eye, he shifted his position and fell silent.

"I can wager even the bedridden patients can overhear you."


    He pouts but he made no further complaint, complying to your words as he lowered his tone the following matches after. But soon the two of you eventually ditched the rematches of starchess, deciding to do something else other to pass the time rather than playing board games for the past consecutive months.

"How long have you been in the Alchemy Commission?"

    He asks you a question which had piqued your interest, you lowered your cup and tea and settled it to the sides as you began to think on his question.

"I don't remember specifically but... I believe it was in my childhood years by only a few days after I first boarded the Xianzhou Luofu."

    A thought began to branch through your mind, you fall silent and your face shifting to your usual apathetic expression. Though it was cut short when you notice Jing Yuan who had settled beside you, a face of guilt shown on his face.

"I didn't mean to stress you out even further! L—Let's think of something else to talk about..."

    His words mingled with each other; you couldn't help but chuckle lightly at his small panic. Though you had an urge to stop him, there was a small side of yours that felt gladdened he swiftly moved on with the topic. After all, you aren't ready to talk about it yet.

    He soon blabbers on with many interesting anecdotes as to keep the conversation afloat, with you serving more than enough tea every time he ended one such stories. And this next one was no different.

"I doubt that woman would be able to move on."

    You make an ending comment whilst pouring another cup for the man despite his odd look the moment you do so.

"Hm... Oh!"


"Do you remember when Master first invited me! We couldn't finish our conversation because Miss Baiheng interrupted us."

"I know that story..."




    Jing Yuan chimed as he rushed off, late on the realization after being engrossed on story telling for about an hour or two. You raise your hand and make a light wave despite him not turning back as he fled the Commission gates.

    Soon after he faded out of sight did you retrace back your steps once again, your fizzle now a long bygone as your surroundings were as clear as day.

    But even so, you couldn't stop the person who grabbed you by the arm and whipped you around. A stressed look was the first thing you saw plastered on the face.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you!"

    After a moment or so did you realize the identity; Qi Feng. Or to be more precise, one of the chiefs of the commission.


"Yes, it's me, now come— I want to talk to you about something."

    Before you could even respond, the man was already dragging you somewhere. It was a shock, but you didn't dare make a complaint since he was in a higher position than you, and within a blink of an eye you were somehow wounded up in a more quieter area.

"Don't tell anyone about this."

    The hand which fervently gripped your arm soon departed as you were led to a secluded door, the chief pausing for a moment and paved the way for you to open the door. But the oak colors of the walls and its smell and the dark lighting was more of an accompanying scarce to the atmosphere rather than inviting.

    Nonetheless, your fear knew no boundaries. You took a small deep breath before you opened the door, piles of dust being the first welcoming gift greeted to you as you delve deeper into the secluded room.

    It was rather dark, you even had to use your senses of touch just to even render whatever was in front of you. And eventually you stumbled upon a small table in which your fingertips accidentally reached, a few dirt collecting on your skin.

    Abruptly new light seeped into the room, you glance at the source who was none other than Qi Feng who was holding two small lamps in hand which barely illuminated the room.

    He handed you the extra lamp and you begin looking around, with him on standby as if some parent watching over a child. You had no idea why he prompted you to discover whatever the problem was itself, but you entertain the notion.

    After some time, you notice there wasn't even a single former source of light like your lamp in hand nor' even a small window to accompany this room, leaving unwanted guest more prompted to leave the room rather be a curious cat.

   The shelves in which hugged the walls had stacks upon stacks upon stacks of scrolls. Noticeably the scrolls seemed rather fresh unlike it's container which looked decades old.

   And soon enough you return to the table once again, placing the illuminating light down upon realizing an open scroll which was practically begging itself to be noticed.

  Your eyes widened upon seeing the first letters of the content, only dragging you further down on this newly found rabbit hole.



So if anyone's asking what happened to me, I basically got karma and my sickness got worst for about a few days. But don't worry I'm doing fine now!

To be honest I'm not sure if the pacing is right (how many times do I have to say this) but I hope it's decent enough.

Anyways, make sure to rest :D

⌜ 02.24.24 ⌟

" But he was not in the right mindstate!? "

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