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    You felt quite intimidated. But this did give Deja vu to you, remembering on how you first met Dan Feng, it'll be fine... right...? Even your hands which gracefully poured her a cup of oolong tea only felt like it added more stress to you. You place the teapot down as the calming waves of sea breeze tried to ease you as well.

     Back to your area, as if waiting for Jing Yuan just like any other day...

    She immediately took a sip of tea as you too did the same, then she lowered the cup as you did the same, you immediately lowered your head where your eyes landed straight to the tea which stood still, hoping for her to start the conversation and break this tensity. 

     Just what did she want... a simple chat? information gathering? or...? Sometimes it's worrying that you're overthinking about such simple things like this. Actually, this wasn't even a simple thing, you were talking to someone who's already in high regard.

    After all, the person in who decided to grace their presence before you was the present Sword Champion of the Xianzhou, the Transcendent Flash, the pinnacle of swordmasters, a once-in-ten-millennia hero, the reasons why the Cloud Knights' were not to be underestimated— and is named Jingliu.

    You swore the names were from co-workers who lauded her such titles whenever you passed by and eavesdropped, it was just that you remembered it...

"You must be aware of Jing Yuan's expedition I assume, after all that young man has drifted out to the stars for some time now."

    You raise your head and unfortunately your eyes instantly met her red ones, having an eye to eye with her as you nod your head lightly.

"Does the Sword Champion have questions about Jing Yuan...?"

    She shook her head and now you were somewhat lost, a chat...? but what else would there even be to chat about with the famed lady?

"There is no need to address me in high regard, my ceremony for my title has yet to be commenced anyway."

    Your head raised in confusion, but you instinctively begin deducing reasoning on the mystery she just thrown right at you.

    Right, since the borisins suddenly ambushed multiple ships... it caused a lot of setbacks after the monstrosities were driven away. And it unfortunately included you as the past months always started and ended with more than many more patients than you can count. No doubt Jingliu might've been dispatched and forced to do a waiting game for a little while longer.

    Actually, it was admittedly surprising that Jing Yuan and other members of Cloud Knights were able to have an expedition during when the Xianzhou was still in a remedial period from the ambush months back.

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