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"Please rest a little more, you may be discharged right after."

    Your voice was as soothing as ever, as the person nodded and fluttered their eyes close.

    Ah, how envious. Sleep.

    Then with a stroke of luck, break time. You let out a sigh of relief finally taking a break, you gazed at the injured person now idly resting as to reconfirm their status. Still doing just fine. Though you immediately snap out of thoughts and turned around, it felt embarrassing to look at patients for this long.

    Even if you've been in the commission for who knows how long, socializing was never your best and straight-to-the-matter was your only forte and benefit.

    After some pondering about the patient, you began walking to your usual spot to taking a break; the inviting views of Scalegorge Waterscape.

    Until you remembered yesterday. Jing Yuan was supposed to be here by now.

    You instantly stop in your tracks, some of your co-workers giving you a short glance with the abrupt halt and even bowed down as a sort of respect due to your ranks. Your face turned more serious than a usual poker face on display. 'Maybe he had an urgent mission?' 'Something happened?' 'He forgot?' Such thoughts crowded your mind trying to excuse your concerns, he was a rising cloud knight so obviously his achievements may have begun to catch up with him.


    Admittedly you wanted to blurt out something to calm down your complaints, but you were still out and about with people running around. It was awkward to do so anyway.

    Deciding to entertain your excuses, you slowly began to continue walking. Clicking heels ought to be the loudest to be heard in your ears, murmurs drowned away as your mind continued to ease such worries.

    And soon enough you returned, recollection of your parting still fresh in your mind. You awkwardly approach the small table and placed the tea set down, ready to entertain you. But you didn't want to sit down and begin this silent show.

    Even if it was circumstances which delayed him... his injuries...

    Right, his injuries. He shouldn't be going out and about like this. It's... risky, reopening a wound would basically be begging to experience more pain.

"I can't believe I'm actually worried about him..."

    You blurted out loud.

    An awkward chuckle escaped your lips as you crossed your arms in a moment of frustration. Sometimes you did enjoy being alone, but for a prolonged period? you... didn't want that. Your eyes flutter close as your fingers delicately grazes the table, just what to do? what to do?

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