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"I didn't know you had such a friendship with the High Elder!"

    You took a sip of tea, and you chuckle awkwardly afterwards, but then you realized what Jing Yuan meant. He saw the both of you? Then why didn't you see him or even just him to approach you... But then again Dan Feng was a high intimidating yet authoritative figure, so some try to ignore such an aura to not look humiliated. And that might've included Jing Yuan, if you were right.

    You placed a piece on g5 on the board and glanced at him, finished with your move. He was getting quite better and improving fast, on many occasions you had close calls on losing by Jing Yuan and even able to make a draw in a game.

"It's just by fortune he saved and met me that day, otherwise I'd be growing up with probably a scar or two."

    Jing Yuan piqued interest by your choice of words and even raised his head to glance at you for a moment, noticing your eyes mixed with sad yet gladness. He didn't comment about the matter even with the undying curiosity between the nature and beginning of your friendship with the high elder, and then placed his next move on the board. 

    Flick. You immediately saw an opportunity. Your fingers swiftly slide the final piece to the board, symbolizing an end to the long match.

"D-six, checkmate."

    Jing Yuan's face dropped upon realization, and you laughed heartedly just seeing his defeated expression alone, as your hand shakes and placed the teacup in hand down on the table. Your body weakening just laughing at his pitiful expression.

    For some reason you were quite giddy today, not that it was bad though. Jing Yuan did appreciate you were quite happy on the mundane day, at least you were content and that's what mattered. He could only look on at your laughing self, so amused that he too can't help but laugh along.

"Alright, alright, that's enough chess for today."

"Yea since you've been on a full losing streak ever since I gifted you the set."


    He looked away and cleared his throat, deciding to wallow in his shame and continue to shine with pride. He took a sip of tea and emptied it, looking at you as you poured another cup for him to enjoy. The atmosphere which was that of delight soon returned to that of calm.

"Unfortunately, I have to go out for another mission soon. Whilst my master may be taking a break or two while I'm out and about."

    Now it was your turn to be piqued, stealing a glance at him and gave some thought. Not like you didn't mind being alone now seeing he didn't always get the chance to meet you after the acceptance of being a disciple. You could only hum and nod as he continued on talking.

"The crazier thing... it was General Teng Xiao himself who came to personally tell me! How could I refuse even if I didn't want to!"

    That was just called not being bold Jing Yuan. But for even the current Luofu General to come in person... just what future did he have in store...

    And 'go out'... or in other words, a different world to even do and achieve such a mission. You couldn't question his word, the seven arbiters foresee all of the Xianzhou Allience after all, it wasn't right to question the General.

"If you can, maybe bring a souvenir or two when you return, and then I'll let you pass."

    He looked at you bemused by your words, you two emptied the teacups and continued on with the conversation.

"I'm going out on a mission not on a vacation, you know!"

    You chuckled in response as he pouted back at you. But you realized something, he too caught on and began fixing and cleaning the area. Unfortunately, you have to work again, your vacation days were already over, and you admit you somewhat regret just staying at home for the rest of the period you'd been given.

    The area was finally clean again, as if nobody was ever here. You two walked to the alchemy commission together in silence before stopping by the entrance, you paused and looked up at the open gate which was the barrier of territory. Jing Yuan looked at you curiously seeing the aura change so suddenly.

    So many thoughts ran into your head even up until now... but one thought slipped right through your mouth.

"..'Say... when will you return..?"

    You looked at him concerned; you've witnessed him go out on missions on other worlds in the period of your friendship, but that didn't stop your concerns. Even with immortality, his flesh can still easily be cut, even with a bright demeanor, it can be crushed so easily, even with his wits and strenghts, there is always a chance that there was somebody out there in this vast universe that can overpower him.

"I don't know..."

"Hey come on, don't be all too down. I'll make sure to return to the Luofu, even if hundreds of scars and blood is decorated all over me, I'll still go to you to treat me with care, and in no time I'll be back in shape..!"

    He smiled, reassuring you as he hugged you tightly, even squeezing you slightly as if a plush toy. You could only return with silence, you felt guilty to place the mood back down, but seeing him determined to return. It made it a little better.

"Sorry to be sentimental... being so isolated and never seeking or witnessing much change, losing something... feels impactful."

    He patted your back and finally let go, you let out a deep sigh just feeling relieved from being freed from nearly being crushed by his arms.

"No need to be on the lows again, I'm sure your patients wouldn't like to see you all down like this."

 Just as long as he comes back, it'll be fine.


Sorry to put it in the lower mood again, I swear I've been fed with too much angst.

Another presched chapt so yea bye

⌜ 12.03.23 ⌟

" I am glad you value him just like I do. "

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