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⌜ GIFT ⌟

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⌜ GIFT ⌟


    He muttered as he ruffled his hair as he waited for you, he was funnily earlier than usual as he leaned onto the edges, watching the inviting views of Scalegorge Waterscape.

    It was his birthday today.

    Though he didn't place much importance, he was aware of the weight of importance you'd place in it. But he didn't know much about celebrating... it was a taboo thing as far as he was concerned.

    After some cursed mutterings on how you were taking so long and back and forth, he soon spaced out and silently bared his impatience.

    Unbeknownst to him his pleas wouldn't be for nought, the supposed time for your arrival encroached.

    You admit you were surprised.

    You didn't laugh but can't help but let your lips form a smirk seeing him quite early than his anticipated time, and even beat you to it. You slowed down your steps, each click of heels muffling significantly to the point of mute.

    His back faced you barely able to see his face, though you can make out his overall impatience as his fingers tapped the railings and silence as he admired the seashores from afar.

    Tip toe, tip toe...

"Miss me that badly?"

    He flinched the moment he heard that silver voice of yours just barely able to process your breath which was tickling his skin, before you whispered swiftly in his ear surprising him altogether.

    He shook his head as his face flustered, though even in denial the answer already showed itself. He turned around and he saw you held something...

"Ah, first and foremost— Happy birthday. I thought about what to give you for a while, and I ended up with starchess. I think you'd like it so I bought a set."

    His head tilted slightly as it piqued his curiosity, you placed the item down the table which took up the whole space where even the tea set unfortunately had to be placed somewhere else, that of being the floor.

"Sit down, I'll teach you."

    He followed and sat down, seeing you with your usual calm yet stoic face bringing him at ease. You were the same as ever. He couldn't help but let out a laugh while at it.

"Can I at least ask first why you were late?"

"Then can I ask back why you were early."

    He fell silent as he silently processed the words, he recounted the time... he indeed came here early. Who knows maybe you two suddenly had a swap in personality.

"Ugh nevermind... but what is starchess exactly?"

   You look down at him in surprise seeing he hasn't known a thing or two about it, afterall starchess was somewhat of a well known game... for the smart people to be accurate.

"I believe it's called chess in other worlds, strictly only two people can play per game, the goal is basically... checkmate and you'd have to use your wits to win."


   His eyes glimmered, immediately interested even with the poor explanation given to answer his curiosity.

   Though in contrast to his profound delight, you on the other hand was unsatisfied with your answer. It was as if explaining emotions to anyone, easy yet hard to explain. But seeing him all happy, you might as well do everything before your break ends.

"Just... nevermind... I'll explain everything— as best as I can at least."

   You muttered out of low confidence, you were never a good teacher nor' intended to be one. But he had some potential with the game even without touching the board just yet.

After all, he too had an abundance
of wisdom, just like you. Both of you just had a difference in using said wisdom.


If you're wondering about the prev. chapt basically it's a more efficient timeskip.

Sorry this chap is a little more smaller like the former chapters but school's been catching up.

Anyways I believe starchess is actually the game showed in Jing Yuan's trailer so that's that.

⌜ 11.22.23 ⌟

" If it is a draw, it means immortality. "

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