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"B-But please High Elder...!"

You have to often wonder how this man always flips the Alchemy Commission around in the morning, you may be way farther from the distance just entering the commission's border ready to start the day, but the commotion already tells enough on who's this leading light of the morning will be.

Feeling pitiful at the disarray of your fellow colleagues you approach said crowd with stride and there stood the grumpy man who was negotiating with a higher up though curiously not the chief this time around. You were about to cut off the talking when Dan Feng grabs your arm, interlocking it with his.

"They are who I need, that is all."

Without a moment in heartbeat, you were dragged away first thing in the morning with your pitiful bag that swayed side to side as you were led back to your signature spot.

"High Elder you're very much fortunate I don't have any consultation this time around."

"And you're very much fortunate I wouldn't command you to kneel."

The two of you bicker with a gentle yet sly sarcasm, you'd grumble lightly while he on the other hand rolled his eyes and finally let go of your arm upon arrival, the two of you immediately sit down and you instinctively prepared tea. Carefully grabbing the tea set inside your bag with care and Dan Feng who provided the water, it was a lighthearted interaction the two of you would do whenever you would sit down and share a cup of tea, and this moment was no different.

"I haven't seen you in a while. Did your work finally halt?"

Dan Feng sighs deeply at your first question, you made no further pushes as to this man's moody hour and poured him a cup of tea, his favorite in fact.

"It did but the Preceptors... agh never mind, I want to ask something."

You nod in acknowledgement and return the tea set back to its original place that is your bag, leaving the duo teacups and teapot to lay witness on the conversation onto the table.

Preceptors. They were the people who'd spot you easily in many attempts of your secret visits to Dan Feng's location, you never admitted this to Dan Feng seeing they were reasonable and even assisted him in his duties for this long but... there was an odd feeling you always had whenever encountering with these people. Perhaps you were just that unfortunate.

"Do you think it's possible for the Vidyadhara to multiply?"

"Dan Feng..."

You trail off as your doubtful tongue ceased, the two of you pause in that moment, halting each other's breath. You felt a sharp moment of deja vu before finally responding.

"You've asked the same exact question every conversation over the past year."

You genuinely don't know what you felt and whatever face you made whether be confused or disappointed when he asked such a question although you do know one thing that comes to mind, him asking this question more than once was alarming enough for someone of his status. You can't necessarily blame him as his forgetfulness grows alongside his old age but asking over and over again despite knowing the end of the answer leaves bitter taste to your tongue.

As per the Vidyadhara race's information: It's a race that can be reborn, die, but cannot be multiplied. The chances of extinction only growing higher and higher with every life lost to time. Even love felt impossible due to the fragile nature of the race, and some found no reason to live upon given such information. That was what you'd often say... if you didn't remind him about the occurrence that is expected in every conversation you engage with him.

"I know."

He empties the teacup in one downing before pushing it to your side, you glance up at Dan Feng who was staring blankly at the cup that clinked with yours. Despite remaining silent, it was already obvious to the two of you what messages you were intending to pass onto the other, yet before you decide to break the glass, he cowardly lays his head onto the table and dominates most of the space, his glassy eyes darting at the now rageful sea that reflected his spirit.

You observe him tongue-tied. It was terrifying to you, really. To see your dearest friend face a similar predicament that you were once in, reflections of the past often echo to your five senses as the hours pass on slowly but surely to a somber noon.

You hated it.

But at this time, this was not your story to share, it was Dan Feng. You instinctively reach your hand out and ruffle his hair lightly, he grumbled at your childish gesture but made no further objections to your attempt of comfort. This was what Jing Yuan would do often... it works on you so surely; it'll also work on the high elder. And it did, his expression slowly calming as you continue to lightly toy with his hair until ultimately you notice the high and mighty fell into a deep slumber. You soon let go and resume your tea, letting the man rest as you view the sea continue to rapidly move with agitation.

This was absolutely inappropriate to do considering this was a royal you were talking with, although you trust this Vidyadhara will make sure not a single soul will know the conversation thanks to his conservative nature. You just pray no one passes through and accidentally makes a fool amidst the Cloudhymn magic that's surrounding the two of you ever since the start of the conversation.

This brat... always planning four steps ahead.

"Wahhh!!!! This is not the person I know!!"

Speaking of making a fool, a specific person comes to mind. A certain creamy white haired who's just in time for another round of tea- and lost to the illusions set up by the elder prior.

You really have to question yourself who's much more unfortunate in the situation they are in.


I was about to celebrate my year was finally going to finish but I completely forgot there are still school events I have to participate... ah I can't even take a break before summer work (┬┬﹏┬┬)

Oh and did you see the Jing Yuan Vtuber debut!?!??!1!?!?1? We be feeding good bro (pls give me hcq lore im starving)

⌜ 05.03.24 ⌟

" Who said we're doing this the easy way!? "

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