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"Well... I'll have to go now, eh—?"

    You were just about to leave but an arm interlocks with yours, you look at him in shock before a medley of flowers blocks your eyesight. Then you glance at Jing Yuan who was already looking away with his ears flushed red.

"I—I helped out a florist who needed help and they gave me these as a thank you, they told me I should gift it to someone important and I thought you'd like them."

    He coughs and shoves the bouquet in your free hand, your face in turn lit up with a hue of deep red, gladdened to see the young man was looking away. You shake your head with your cliche thoughts and turned around once again, his hand which latched onto you prior setting you free.

    With an exhale to calm you down you speak with confidence.

"Then I'll take good care of them, I'll see you tomorrow, Jing Yuan."

    You speed walk out of there, feeling your heart thump out fast just seeing him gift you these flowers. Really, you were happy.

    This was the first time you've ever gotten these from someone.

    To finally get a chance to experience someone giving you a gift with sentimental value, the emotions were foreign yet euphoric to the heart. You can feel still feel it now, even if a blink of an eye passes.

    No... no... you should focus on your work on hand....

"No one..."

    And within a single time skip you reach your destination, although the place was still empty. On the bright side you won't be losing any bets any time soon from your fellow co-workers on who's paying free food for tonight, or things in that nature as they say.

    You notice the large table where such a gathering is hosted is well maintained as always, the chairs perfectly aligned and the decor on par of finesse. But there was no rush, so you walk past all of these to reach the large window that stand lone center and wide in the edge of the room, the view only being the raging seas that hug the Ambrosial Arbor's roots.

    It seems that Dan Feng had gotten himself a sour mood, you can't help but chuckle at the thought of seeing that pouty face of his as he was scurried away by those strict Preceptors.

"As predicted, you're early."

    You flinch at hearing the man's voice, leaving a cold shiver in your back. Your emotions falling ill within an instant as if dry skin dampening from that of clear water, you don't dare glance behind and stare at the body of water in hopes to ease your heart which was pounding fast for a different reason.

"Chief Feng."

"How's your investigation in those immortality scrolls."

    The footsteps grow closer and closer, until it stopped. You can sense the senior was only a few steps away from your distance. A thousand thoughts taunted you before you respond shortly after.

"No clues, no person to target, no clear motive. The investigation falls deaf."

    It was a lie.

    You didn't even dare make a move.

    The room falls silent, it felt forever of you just merely standing on high guard with the man before the door opens wide. And a handful of footsteps begin to echo around the room, you and Qi Feng feign ignorance and sat down in your designated seats. The two other seats beside you also taken by two familiar Foxian medics, you faintly hear the red-haired whiff the scent of the room before their ears perked up straight and looks at you.

"Why do you smell like flowers?"

    You gaze away in embarrassment before seeing the other Foxian also draw in curiously, inching closer to get a good whiff on your smell. It felt unfortunate how you ended up in such a secondhand embarrassment situation like this... 

"Did that Cloud Knight give you flowers or something?"

"Ah... young love! I wish I'd get a gentleman like that one day."

    The blue haired giggles but the red fox dismisses her, even cringing seeing the one-hundred-year-old fox act like a teen considering you were the junior in the room. The red haired folded her arms and clears her throat with some attention drawn to her from eavesdropper to the two of you.

"He did, I only accepted it since it had herbs."

"You're such a cruel junior!"

    She gasps with dramatization as you responded in a cool tone, the three of you continue to banter... or more like the two of them on love lives and you were only adding fuel to the fire despite having no ill intent.

    The two clashing colors of hair debate in front of you about this useless conversation, with all of your amused seniors being onlookers. Some of them agreed with the red-haired fox, while others disputed the arguments and sided with the blue, these famous twin paired doctors making the room lighthearted and had an air of cheesy tone even if you blocked out their voices to space out.

    And finally, after a prolonged period of silence from the door, it was interrupted as the door silently opens and swiftly closes, the long discourse coming to a screeching halt as everyone gazed at the person who entered through the door.

    Instantly everyone shot right up, standing beside their designated seat as the lady who entered walks pass everyone until reaching her designated seat, to the other side of the table, behind the large curtain in which you had stood prior.

    The commanding lady stood firm on her ground, her dark brown hair tied up into a clean bun, her attire distinctively different from the rest as her rank stands, and her eyes sharply glancing at everyone as if a hawk scouting for prey.

    Everyone looked at her including yourself eagerly yet patiently, waiting for the command, she took a deep breath before she began talking.

"Well, shall we begin?"

The Chief Healer, Lady Lanxi looks directly eye to eye at the opposite end of the table, The Chief Alchemist, Mister Feng.


Oh what a hectic day! I hope it'll be uneventful tomorrow...

for the next week its just a bunch of problems one after another.

No cause seriously I was so desperate that I even wrote this chapter on my phone, but now electricity is okay, air's a bit hot but I'm sure I won't faint, and now I finally got braces for my teeth so I can stay at home for a while :D

Also not to be confused, there's more than one Chief in the Commission as you can see in the chapter :)

⌜ 05.29.24 ⌟

" Ugh nevermind... but what is starchess exactly? "

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