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    You look around, sandy shores everywhere even under your feet to where you stand. The cool breeze kissed your face, shivering slightly as the waters which barely reached your boots only made it colder.

    Consider this trespassing but you were just curios.

    Step by step you walked up to the cobble stairs, filled with sand even as you walked up. Fortunately, not a single speck manages to enter your boots, but you focused on your feet not looking up.

    And only when you finally raised your head when you see you've reached the top after a few minutes of walking. Your eyes glimmered seeing the monumental statue of the high elder just a few distance from you, then you turned around and looked below where you formerly stood and walked. Sand everywhere and not a single person on sight, it felt like being on top of the world.

    Never mind, make this trip worthwhile.

    You turned around again and looked upon the high elder statue, as if it too looked down at you as a mere person in the empty crowd. You didn't dare approach closer to the statue, you've long heard it was already fragile and you'd rather not be prisoned for an eternity just because you were curios, besides you were still young, rather not waste it all just to serve a sentence.

    Then you looked at the murals, also maintaining distance as if this was an artifact in a museum. Some bowed, some stood, and the leader guided to where you now stood; the entrance of the ancient sea palace where it was closed off by the seafloor valley.

    It was terrifyingly intimidating for little you.

   The sea which could fearfully drown you but also show a serene world in which no one is dared to enter, and the ambrosial arbor roots. It was a thousand times taller than you and even just by looking up, it was magnificent yet intimidating.

   You can say with heart the stories are undoubtedly true, it satisfied majority of your curiosity about the place. You observed a little longer trying to reimage this fateful memory in your head, this trip was one unheard off so getting into trouble was of high risk and consequences. Obviously planning and executing this plan too was hard enough, you had to pass the Pearlkeepers which guarded the entrance and tended to the newly reborn-kins.

    And fortunately for you, they weren't here today. It was a food for thought if this'd still be consider that of trespassing to your little self.

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