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⌜ DAZE ⌟

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⌜ DAZE ⌟

"Thank you!"

    The patient fled the office as another did before them. Strangely after the ceremony, people visited you more often whether as new or old patients, they'd often tell you;

"Lady Jingliu recommended you personally!"

    It was no wonder why your workload has suddenly increased, showing you the absolute influence that lady. And now here you are, often walking in more later than Jing Yuan. Even the higher ups took it upon themselves to help you out to maintain your schedule.

    You'd thank them a thousand times for doing such a favor, yet it seems like their help didn't fully resolve your overload...

"Are you okay...?"


    You pause in your steps upon hearing a foreign voice. You could've sworn you had just gotten out of your office... not passing by Jing Yuan!

    Before you could even turn yourself around, firm hands did it for you, landing on your shoulders and gripping tightly on the cloth which hugged you to swiftly change your course of direction. You meet golden pairs of eyes who widened into surprise the moment you faced him but you on the other hand had to take a moment before your face lit up upon seeing him.

"Don't tell me you're getting overworked!"

"I'm fine."

    Those words left your mouth so nonchalantly, now it was your turn to be in a state of shock upon realizing what you had said. Fuzzy memories resurfacing within the tip of your tongue with your eyes widening and your hand lightly shaking.

"W-Wait no..!"

    It was a force of habit.

"I-I'm sorry..."

    Your once vacant heart flooded itself with guilt, your subconscious disappearing within a blink of an eye.

    You expected the usual treatment you had been accustomed to at your elder's abode, but your thoughts already proven wrong upon feeling his hands droop down to your back, hugging you.


    Inhale, Exhale, Inhale, Exhale...

    For a few minutes you stayed in that position before you lightly tap him as a gesture to let go, and he obeyed without asking, parting ways with the endearing man. Finally immersed back into your reality.

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