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    A dramatical sigh escaped his lips while a yawn escaped from yours. Another dull yet amusing loss on the game of chess and sharing of cups, despite it being another typical day with Jing Yuan there was a gut wrenching feeling you were having the whole way through even way before he arrived.

"Anyways, I-I have to go now I was told to swing by early to get my measurements."


    The word 'measurements' made your eyes follow him as he abruptly stood up and began packing, myriads of questions running through your head at the rather questionable sentence.

"My Cloud Knight uniform..."

    He paused in his words, a hitch catching his breath and his ears perking a crimson red as he looked away with a plastered face of embarrassment.

"The one I'm using right now is getting smaller in my size..."

"It seems like Jing Yuan is actually growing taller."

    He simply huffed and pouted in response to your remark before he finally finishes grabbing his necessary items. Making a hasty farewell wave before he departed from your eyesight, leaving you alone with your thoughts until this break of yours would end.


    That word sharply crosses your mind for a split second before it too fled just like the flustered man earlier, in doing so your face loss its nonchalant expression. Out of attempts to ignore the topic you chose to simply move on with your day and cut your long break to a short one.

    It felt like time simply blurred itself the moment you got out of your chair as by the time you return to your consciousness you happen to stumble upon a faithful door, a familiar one at that.

    With instinct you knock the door with five fast taps before you open the door, the scent of a floral fragrance and the sight of oak welcomes you whole. With the sound of a clicking tongue interrupting this moment of peace.

"Doctor you've already visited so don't tell me there's suddenly urgent."

    You glance at the elder who sits atop the bed, looking at you vastly disappointed as a rather stark contrast to his jolly expressions in your recent discussions with the man.

"N—No Mr. Guiying... I apologize for the sudden visit; I just so happen to have a lot of free time..."

    Secrecy. And he can already tell it from a mile away, though you can safely say you opted to not do your best to hide this fact.

    With no questions asked, you sat at the edges of his patient bed and gave yourself a short moment to observe the man.

    He's been stuck in this room bedridden for who knows how long until recently when he was having a noticeably slow yet steady increase in his health, even you can assume the sword he commissioned is practically begging to be used by now.

"I feel as if I've seen more times of you being worse than wear than I could ever see myself in, stay for a while and let's talk."

    A weakly chuckle escapes your lips, finding some value of truthts in his words. Nevertheless can you say Guiying was any different than you despite his attempts to downplay as the elder? You feel unsure about the answer.

    Even if he didn't seem complacent at first, Guiying surprisingly held his sharp tongue and engaged in the lighthearted conversations you proposed until you eventually cracked.

"I'm just... showing signs of fatigue. It's honestly a miracle on how far I've gotten without fainting."

    The elderly let out a disappointed sigh and a look of disapproval.

"Why not just excuse for a day or more?"

"But Mr. Guiying I've been taking too much off days!"

    For a moment you two awkwardly stare at each other before you were greeted back to reality with a flick of a finger, a hiss leaving your lips.

"Kids these days..."

    He grumbled before he adjusted his position and gestured you to come closer in which you comply.

"Would a doctor be in tip top shape to help others if they themselves aren't any better? There's more than one expertise member here in the Alchemy Commission and we're not even in a moment of crisis."

    He clicked his tongue and folded his arms, glaring at you fiercely as if this was some sort of commandment rather than a request.

"I—I will keep it in mind... thank you Mr. Guiying..."

    And so, the conversation continued on more lightheartedly right after, his advice only on the back of your head until you eventually depart from his room. Closing the door lightly and leaving out a heavy sigh right after.

    Can you blame Mr. Guiying? No, you couldn't. Though, even if his advice was fair, it was a far cry from the judgement you made on your situation.

You were used to carrying heavy burdens after all.

"Over here!!"

    A familiar voice made you raise your head a little higher, your hand unconsciously clutching the strap of your messenger bag before it loosened upon detecting the figure a few miles away.

    He had an idiotic smile on his lips and his right hand waved aggressively towards your direction before bolting towards you and hugging you tightly.

    You can't help but let out a small smile at this foolish endeavor.

    It took a moment before he eventually let you go with gentle care, a proud grin on his face.

"I wanted to make up for leaving earlier by going home with you."

    He chimed though you were rather in a loss of his word. At this hour he would still be busy on his shifts, your guess was as good as anyone else's in this situation.

    Before you can do anything, he snatched your bag away from you and dragged you out of the Commission, not giving a care on the passersby weird looks.

It wasn't all too bad to feel this moment of joy.


So yea I was out overseas (sick prior but as of editing a week after, I'm okay now js mentally drained due to overload of work), and I'm glad to see y'all actually still reading this even if my premade chapter didn't get posted at all at my set time for some reason ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

⌜ 03.10.24 ⌟

" It's over... "

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