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"Two steamed puffergoat milk!"

    The shopkeeper chimed as they handed you the drinks, you muttered a 'Thank you' with a small little bow, Jing Yuan eyes glimmered seeing you and repeated you as if a little child following the big parent in front of them.

    After an hour staying by that bench to calm yourself down, you both picked up your feet and restarted your food trip with small food. Now add another hour thanks to that and now you're back at the present... eating and drinking away, and it was unfortunately and humiliatingly your 7th food stall.

    Just how you manage to stomach it all when you have a small appetite? You don't even know. But the food was undoubtedly good to even throw away just to simply excuse 'Sorry, I'm full'. As for your feelings...

    Admittedly you were neither happy nor' sad, but quite comfortable with his company.

"Actually, now that I think about it, do you even like milk?"

    Jing Yuan asked as you two stalled and drank the quite large sized bottle of milk. Undoubtedly feeling the warm milk reach your lips and gulp it in one go felt... nice, it was quite warm. But then again it should always be served warm, otherwise this milk would've been... well nevermind.

"I do, I just prefer tea to relax the mind. It is more effective for me."

    You explained as you let out a sigh of relief feeling quite satisfied about the product you just emptied within just a few minutes. Soon Jing Yuan also finished his and suddenly burst out laughing as he looked at you with that bright smile.

"So even the calmest of person really like milk too?"

    Calm? Was that how he saw you. You chuckle in amusement and just nodded to his statement, both of you place the bottles down and decided to rest for a bit. 7 stalls, 18 rounds of foods and drinks, you were... kind of full now to be quite honest.

"Ah, I almost forgot to ask— How did you even get a day off, or well... go outside on your day off? You always told me you— 'mostly rest at home' if you do."

"Jing Yuan... mostly."

    Suddenly he had a sheepish grin upon realization and laughed it off, you could only sigh and cross your arms and gave some thought to his question. How to tell, all or limited? What to say? Your understanding or by word? Agh never mind just go.

"Alright, alright just don't ask too much."

"You didn't hear?"

    Your co-worker looked at you with surprise as they held a few stacks of paper in hand as you two walked, with you trailing a little behind as you followed them like a little servant.

"I-I... well, no..."

    You muttered as they only hummed by your unconfident reply, maybe you had? maybe you just didn't have context? You might just be spaced out at that time... Left and right, other co-workers you passed even glanced at you, just what's going on?

    Then both of you abruptly stop at an open shelf as the co-worker began to shuffle and place the paper in their proper places, it is not uncommon at the moment since the Xianzhou was still experience aftermath of something. Just something you aren't interested...

"Just to put it simply, since you overworked— you could permit for leave. You can say that's why I also was absent in the commission for some time, and now... I'm just letting workload burden me again."

    They sighed with a frown plastered right at their face, even muttering some curses under their breath unwarranted. Your suspicions were at bay but... you can't really deny their word. You leaned at the edge of the table as a sort of make-shift seat, as you watch them work quite diligently even with quite the burden of the many stack papers just simply waiting beside you to be placed.

"But if you do want to take a break, make sure to be careful!"

    Now that peaked your interest. Your eyebrows knitted as your lips parted out of confusion, your head tilting slightly. They too glanced at you due to your prolonged silence and also gained confusion, their face lighting up but simply continued their work as they answered to your curiosity.

"You and that Jing Yuan you've been hanging out on a break are becoming rising stars you know; he's made some important decisions in the battlefield for the whole of the Loufu, and here you are actually rising ranks here in the Alchemy Comission. Who knows, even you might become the chief if you're up to it."

    Your arms crossed mentioning your potentials, chief... it was fine by you. You have to admit you were more worried about Jing Yuan though. Maybe being young to make commendable achievements was amazing on paper, but sometimes you wonder whether there are those who's willing to exploit such endless possibilities in which Jing Yuan can make... Unfortunately you can barely provide support in that field, politics were never your thing anyway.

"Care more about yourself, so can I permit on leave then?"

"Boring as always..."

    They muttered and let out a sigh, glancing at you for a moment and placed the final piece of paper and dusted off their hands and even rubbed off sweat as if it was the hardest task in the life of a millennian.

"Yes, you can for a few days, but as for tomorrow you'll have to show up. Heard it's important for you."

    You fell silent, 'for you' it rubbed you off in the wrong way based on their wording. You could only sigh and finally stand and stretch, deciding to just let it go.

"Well might as well take the break while I can."

"And then I decided to wander around Exalting Sanctum and took a break somewhere, then that's how we both are here now I suppose."

    You intentionally left the 'rising stars' thing in your own explanation due to your unrelinquished worries; you'd rather not ruin the mood again at this point. It was better anyway.

"Fine, fine. Now that we're done... let's eat some more!"


Yo wake up its the 1st day of the month! and a cheery one at that, well for my asians out there anyway. December is quite close and that also means my sem-break so I'm just finishing some stuff.

I was suppose to post this on Monday but I ended up sleeping on it and now we're 4 days passed, sorry on that. I was surprised though that we reached 300 reads, Ty!!

I may do pre-scheduled chapters since I'll be busy for the next 2 weeks

⌜ 12.01.23 ⌟

" You choked on pills...? "

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