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"Is that so, then I'll recommend..."

"Just relax..."

"Thank you..."

"Can I ask..."

"It's good to see you..."

"You may..."

"Three times a day..."

    The day was the same after another as your words practically felt like deja vu, it was good to finally fall back into your usual routine without having to worry on casualties on the Luofu.

    But that also meant your day would often be mundane, no offense you did enjoy some moments in your day but there are moments which would bore you in the slightest.

    And here you were, patching a wounded patient who claimed his starskiff got into an accident and wounded up bleeding in the process.

    He hissed and whined feeling the ointment reach his skin, painful yet cool to the touch. The tedious process took about a few minutes before he breathed out a sigh of relief whilst you were already writing a record.


    Your head lifted itself and the patient nodded his head, the sound of scribblings on the paper reaching your ears with an absolute satisfactory.

"If your injuries ever draw setbacks during the working hours, then you may request for a day off."

    You handed him the slip and the diagnosis paper, with him giving gratitude and left, just like any other patient you had would.

    A simple tick reached your ears on cue the moment the door shut.

    Break time.

    You raised yourself from your chair and began stretching, finally free from the shackles of the curse of sitting down for hours on end and consultation and bandaging.

    Even if the time spent here was within a blink of an eye, it didn't stop the merciless time to pour you with absolute exhaustion. And you'd be thankful to yourself you specifically chose this time to take a breather.

    You grabbed your tea set and pinned your hair with your signature red hairpin before you open and close the door behind you, ready to go on your way.

    Some co-workers which passed by came and go, a small glance of acknowledgement before departing just like you. But the draconic tree which stood proud and tall in the center of the commission remained unchanging, never to erode.

    Fortunate for you, your steps felt lightweight. Having more energy to push onward as your feet walked as if on clockwork.

    The vague clash of waves reaches your ears, a faint whiff of tea reaches your nostrils, and a faint figure already sitting down and waiting for you eagerly, his starchess set immediately on the table, ready to play a few rounds.

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