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⌜ ASK ⌟

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⌜ ASK ⌟


    Qi Feng, the Chief Alchemist suddenly slams the table, startling everyone. The roaring voices which bounced everywhere in the room plop down on the floor in shame as everyone settles down their panic.

    The moment this meeting began, the second the two chiefs let their lip's part, the past thirty minutes were spent with almost everyone in the room asking the two leaders bombarding questions.

    After calming down, everyone looks at each other out of concern before eventually glancing at Lanxi, the Chief Healer, who was rubbing her forehead with a distasteful look on her face. Within a few seconds she too eventually calms down and looks at everyone with crossed arms.

"Although there are many questions regarding the short messages sent by the General of the Yuque, we must not place them of utmost importance because our fellow kin are in grave danger once more. Especially with the Luofu's steady growth compared to the rest of the Hexafleets—"

    Lady Lanxi sighs and raises her head a tad bit higher.

"We are not to decline."

    With a firm response, everyone nods their head at the reminder of the Hunt's principles. 'The Hunt treasures its allies, and it's enemies be sent to retribution'. A phrase engraved into every Xianzhou native's the mind, even if someone didn't have the privilege of a proper education.

    The lady on the right end of the table hesitates to speak despite having a strong entrance, she folds her arms and shoots a glance at the other end of the table who saw the message through.

"Do not worry about your workload for now, it'll be delegated to your assistants. But for the twin doctors, you have the intention to stay, am I not wrong?"

    Jingzhi and Jingzhu nods in sync as a response.

"We still have an upcoming surgery, I'm afraid it's too far late to tell the patient there's a sudden change of schedule."

    Jingzhu the red-haired fox lowers one of her ears and cups one of her cheeks out of embarrassment. Jingzhi the blue-haired only sighs out of second-hand embarrassment.

    The rest of the seniors laugh lightheartedly, and the conversation begins drifting into the planning, it was a blink of an eye before an hour had past of just a bunch of debates.

"I'd like to ask something."

    Fuyue, another familiar senior raises his hand, with the approval of both of the chiefs did he lowers his hand and began speaking,

"Other than the Luofu, who were the other fleets that were contacted for aid?"

    All eyes return to Lanxi with curiosity brimming in their eyes, Lanxi blinks and gives some thought on it. A few seconds roll and she responds back.

"From what I'm aware, every Hexafleets were contacted but their current status regarding the matter is unknown to General Teng Xiao."

"Wouldn't that mean we should lessen our provided aid though?"

    Someone interrupts, suddenly raising a brow at the new information.

"Even so, if the Yuque is in grave danger we'll be more at a loss."

"But if the Luofu is in danger too then what then? besides that'd disrupt normal workflow!"

"Hah, say that to the Xianzhou Fanghu! They don't even have any Alchemist over there!"


"Speaking of which, since we have more Alchemy Commissioners compared to the rest of the ships, they likely expect us to send more than theirs."

"Even so, shouldn't they at least share the cut and send some of their own..."

"Regardless, we should at least send more than a dozen, what do you say Chief?"

    An hour and a half already... halfway through before the meeting must be concluded... these collective voices of debates and fighting were beginning to fire up the room even more.

"It'll be a waste if we keep going on like this, Lanxi, can we still back out of that expedition?"

    Qi Feng raises a question for his fellow equal, Lanxi who gave some thought hesitantly shakes her head before continuing.

"It's a major expedition already approved by the General, even if we try backing out now, I'm afraid we'd still be off the grid and... the additional paperwork."

    Everyone collectively sighs at the odd dilemma. There may be a follow-up meeting after General Teng Xiao has made his decision, but with time against the Xianzhou Yuque... worst case scenario that's drilled into anyone's mind in that moment is another Hexafleet being completely destroyed just like the former ones.

    It's only been a thousand years since the Xianzhou Cangcheng fell, would such a short gap in time be a warning of more catastrophes that is to dawn? That question is up to the Divination Commission to answer.

    Silence ensued in the room as the two heads wore on their own thinking caps, taking a few short notices before Lady Lanxi hesitantly spoke up again. 

"Let's conclude early, when the General has made his order, we will follow in his footsteps."

    That outcome... felt disheartening, arranging a meeting in advance and yet every word that was said was rendered useless. The seniors looked amongst themselves displeased but nodded, they couldn't really do anything even if they wanted to...

    Qi Feng followed with a clap as to dismiss everyone, and...

    No one left. Not yet. Even if the two Chiefs went to the corner of the room to discuss something else, no higher up, no junior, nobody stood up.

    It was curious really, no one stood up, and no one talked.

    One... two... five minutes passed. And finally, after tremendous torture, one awkwardly stood up, followed by another, and then within a blink of an eye almost everyone was gone, the empty chairs carefully arranged neatly as if no one ever sat.

    Except for one.

"Junior, I have a request."

    Lady Lanxi and Mister Feng approach the occupied chair, seemingly determined by their decision.

"Me and Feng won't be able to make it this time around for the Cloud Knight's meeting, can I entrust you to be an emissary for us?"




Pretty sure you guys want me to write something interesting, so I got this mini marquee sign you see at those office desks from the USA and now I've written "Jing Yuan Come Home" as a sign because I'm getting desperate after losing to Yanqing twice on his banner

⌜ 07.14.24 ⌟

"I can't believe I'm actually worried about him..."

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