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"Am I seeing things or is this actually real..."

    The recent events indeed shaken up the Xianzhou, but after the storm had calmed down Jing Yuan's post was changed to Exalting Sanctum. He trained with Jingliu on some days which matched your break, but there are some days where Jingliu would train him on a different hour meaning he could have a chance to visit you whilst you were on break.

    Though the ever-so changing times of his training was hard to grasp seeing it would affect his schedule often, but as commendable he is— Jing Yuan caught on fast and so you too did. Not even minding his absence in the times of training and mostly just asking for any improvements on swordplay the next day he'd arrive alongside his chess set in hand. All he can say... he was indeed improving fast, literally.

    Well at this hour at his new post at Exalting Sanctum and your break yet to begun, he mostly just helped out some outworlders ever so willingly just like the naive and bold Cloud Knight he was. But at present he was just... on standby. Ready to help in need, though lauded to be smart whenever invited to the seats of planning— he was still in a position of Cloud Knight first and foremost, not yet a General making major decisions for the sake of the Xianzhou Loufu.

    Right and left as his eyes monitored every little detail, a little impatient and bored seeing he had nothing to do but just always be ready to render assistance... which just meant standing. 

    Yet it didn't last long, as he looked onwards at the so familiar figure nearby as they leaned towards the edges of the railings, watching ships come and go as if carefree from the daily trivials of everyday work. So bewildered he even looked on for too long just to confirm the identity from afar.

    It really was you.

    Though your back faced him, no doubt he could even recognize you now by just a far distance, your long hair fastened lowly yet neatly by the recognizable Golden Hairpin which was tailor-made decorated with fine red florals at one end, your usual alchemy commission attire now replaced with the familiar usual everyday Xianzhou clothing, and black gloves which reached wrist level still remained intact on your person just like your hairpin, with a final top off of red decorating everywhere.

     He debated on what to do, ditch his post to just meet a friend which had a one in a million percent chance to even be seen elsewhere other than the alchemy commission? or stay here and continue to be loyal and suffer the cruel wraths... of boredom.

     Just a moment...

    Left and right he glanced before he hesitantly approached, and the more closet he get the more assured he was it was undoubtedly you.

"You're actually outside of the alchemy commission..."

    He suddenly beamed as he took final steps before he also reached the railings where you were, you undoubtedly flinch at the sudden intrusion at your alone time.

"What? I can take days off too you know."

     You bluntly responded to his remark as he let out a laugh in response, it was hard to imagine you in everyday clothing...

    But you looked good to be quite honest...

"You just look too weird for my liking."

    You huffed at his reply and glanced at him for a moment, giving him an unamused look.

"What about you? Jing Yuan, you look like you're still on duty and I believe it's not even your break yet."

    He could only sheepishly grin at guilt for your words, he couldn't lie about that. Neglecting his post would also be an equivalent to neglecting duties, but a little under the rug activities wouldn't hurt much, would it?

"Y-Yes... I'll be having a break within a few minutes... I'm just... bored!"

    His lips pouted and looked away out of shame with his confession, he didn't really have much entertainment standing around for the past hour. Even he couldn't commit to such a thing.

    But at least praise him, he was no doubt ambitious to even strut up here whilst he still needed to work.

    Though he hoped for forgiveness, unfortunately as per your style— you flickered his forehead, caught off guard he flinched at the sudden pain as his throat escaped a whine.

"Standby your post until you reach break, not like I'll be going anytime soon. Now shoo, go back to your post it's just a few minutes."

    Your eyes narrowed at his to show your firmness, he could only let out a nod and immediately let out a small wave as he made his way back to his post, fortunately no one noticed his absence due to the lack of Cloud Knights.

    The moment he stood still once again did he felt the need to do something, his impatience sure was getting the better of him this time. And so he tried to entertain himself, playing a lonely eye-spy, guessing games about the next actions and words of other passersby and much more.

    And sure enough his break came, the moment he realized he immediately dashed right back at you like an impatient kid.

"My break's here, my break's here!"

    He beamed with a grin as you look at him now more amused by his attitude, at least he kept his promise so his impatience is to be forgiven by you.

"Alright, alright no need to get all so worked up."

    Out of force of habit you glanced at ever part of his body up and down, nothing notable... that's good, it meant he hasn't gotten injured just yet.

    You nod in approval and looked at him, his face already beaming delightful as ever just waiting for you seeing you did it again.

    He knew your habit.

"It's often me who gets to experience your breaks, but finally—"

"It's finally your turn to let you experience my break."


Hi hello, so I had a good 15 hour sleep (there were even imprints on my skin which means I actually got some amazing sleep) and then I woke up with 200 readers, ty lots :)

But I'm also doing this before I go to bed, well a power nap not sleep to be accurate.

If you would like to share this book w a friend then you can, I would appreciate letting my work be known even if my active readers are just a small number

⌜ 11.26.23 ⌟

" You... care for him... don't you? "

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