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Within a short span I sure did experience a lot. But I'll try to explain one by one

Jingliu has paid me a visit while Jing Yuan was out on the expedition, the same expedition that I mentioned in my last entry. It wasn't the best nor' most terrible first interaction, but with enough interactions from time to time I was able to trust her to a degree to the point I even personally accepted her invitation to her ceremony.

Oh and Jing Yuan did return though, thank the aeons. We played Starchess shortly after and... he's still losing. Sometimes I wonder when will the day come where he'll get his first win against me hehe.

Ah and my acquintances meeting my other acquintances... it's endearing. Jing Yuan had recently met Dan Feng and they surprisingly do just fine, though I'd say Jing Yuan and Yingxing has a way better dynamic despite their back and forth.

And the ceremony of course, I don't think I'm putting this in an organized chronological order, sorry.. I guess I have too much events on my mind to even sift them properly.

The day prior the ceremony, Yingxing asked us about a certain material. It wasn't all too hard to distinguish the item, but poor Yingxing didn't seem to be joyous when I saw him wobbly walking, probably some misfortune.

Ah... and the thing Yingxing specifically said before he left...  ▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉ Ignore the scribbles! You see absolutely nothing!

Anyways, he made an absolute stunt and thanks to that, he even attracted Dan Feng. Even Dan Feng asked me about the craftsman, probably because he saw an opportunity since Dan Feng was thinking how to approach the Sword Champion and challenge her to a spar. Just unfortunate General Teng Xiao called off.

Ah... well never mind, might as well not dwell on it. Just happy that everyone's getting acquainted with one another.


⌜ 00.00.03 ⌟

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