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    A new life.

    A new surrounding

    A new culture

    A new reality.

    A new change.

    Was it good? He doesn't know.

    Those monsters... these strangers who vowed to help him called it the Borisins, the Borisins— recked his homeworld to shreds. Everything he once had was merely stripped from the tips of these abomination's fingers.

    And now, he's all on his own.

    He ran and ran for his life, forcefully parting with his loved ones until he was by a miracle, saved. And in a flash, he for some reason, arrived to the Xianzhou which was the ship; Zhuming. Saved by these strangers who lend a hand, giving him a chance for this change.

    And now here he was at a strange place. There were some who continue to tend to the weak just like him, he sat awkwardly and fiddled with his fingers trying to accept and comprehend the overflowing thoughts dumped to him by his shattering reality.

"Hey there young fella!"

    A pat on the head snapped him out of his thoughts, as a figure overshadowed him. This person... was quite intimidating by figure, and yet... he was... jolly?


    The little one gulped, he doesn't know if to trust the person. He only stared at the man with uncertainty who only bended down to his level.

"Can I ask for your name?"

    This man expressed lightly with a warming smile, even reached a hand in which he accepted, he squeezed it tightly trying to find some solace from the man, a show of his earning trust and approval from this stranger.

"My name's Yingxing..."

    He murmured, even if the little boy was accepting of the conversation, he was still unsure of his own judgements of the rights and wrongs on everything.

"Well, hello there Yingxing, the name's Huaiyan. I'm sure we'll be good acquaintances."

    For some reason, in corner of his eyes, he saw murmurs and glares straight at him. Yet he discarded every one of them as it was as if this man of compassion was able to eradicate them by just a mere smile.

    He looked at the man with his eyes now glittering, he could only nod firmly as Huaiyan let out a hearty laughter as if celebrating a proud achievement.

    Then they two conversed for a while until Huaiyan had to unfortunately go alongside some people decorated with armor of steel. Just who was he...? 

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