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⌜ TIME ⌟

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⌜ TIME ⌟

"What time is it again..."

    But you shook your head right after, you better not think about such things whilst busy with making medicine. You continue to make your medicine with the mortar in your lap and the pestle in hand, it was the time of week again when you'd be making more medicine. Some for extras and some which was in short supply in your storage.

    You'd lost track of time even with the window next by your side which alerted you of the changing weather. Whether be a few minutes, hours, days, to weeks. You simply forgot as you mainly focused on making medicine. Maybe you can thank Jing Yuan for that seeing it wasn't really a requirement for you to go out anymore.

    All you need to make left is just a bunch of bitter medicine, you even have to make extras of quantities since they run out of supply way faster during consultation and remedial periods with your patients. You could only escape a small sigh just with the thought, but your hands continue to do its job in making medicine, it is your job and passion after all.

    So much time have passed since you last saw Jing Yuan, maybe for you at least... time was somewhat of a distortion to you at present. It goes slow so many times... and then suddenly it'll go by fast like it was just a blink of an eye... Eh you can worry about it later. There are no patients to worry about in the present, all fortunately in stable conditions.

    Medicines given out for the day, provided with food and water, given the chance to rest.. all in the checklist.

     The sound of crushing of herbs and other such ingredients reached your ears with a loud satisfying crisp, then it muffled slowly but surely as you went on and made into one fine color. You finally place down the two objects in your lap seeing it was done and let out a moment of relief. Then silence was all you can hear from yourself and the world around you.


    You might as well take a break... or check out the patient's conditions seeing you done, even if they were stable at present you just can't help yourself and check them consistently. Tea time will have to wait. You set aside the mortar and pestle by a nearby table and stood up, stretching and cracking some bones in the process. 

    You made your way to the door and opened it swiftly, the sun immediately hitting your face. Not even the enormous dragon-shaped tree which stood proud and center of the commission could protect you with it's shade. Then you observed your surroundings, some consulting, some passing by, some looking for files and medicine. All just a typical day.

    And you too joined these passersby, walking at your own pace as you made your way to the patients room. Then a familiar co-worker suddenly approached you behind and patted your back, ah... it's the one who also told you about the important day; or well— when Dan Feng made a big buzz around the Alchemy Commission.

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