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"Is that so..."

    Yingxing's coworker nods with absolute dramatics and took a shot of wine, immediately letting out a laugh all the while his companion is still busy sorting out.

"That poor Jingliu lady must be getting impatient considering how long she had to wait."

    The drunken worker giggles at his comment, already drunk and high as the light in the sky.

"Just go home already."

    Yingxing finally stole a glance with firmness at the drunken lad who in the flash was now frowning and just nodded in response, wobbly making his way out of the scene.

    It was a wonder how his coworker even got his hands on the wine, but then again, his co-worker's age was already far passing the age of young age.

"Ah dammit... I forgot to test out that sword...!"

    The coworker slurs out loud, hearing within Yingxing's earshot despite how far the poor man was, even another co-worker of his came out to help the drunken stupor.


    Yingxing murmurs to himself. Then a new idea pops into his mind, his face lit up, quite a maniac scene for any passerby who saw this man smiling without a companion.

"No time to waste!"

    It was his turn to scream out loud, the serene moonlight a stark contrast to his now bright attitude. He snatches his bag and flees his stand, leaving the commission.

    If he had to execute the idea tomorrow due to the time of moonlit hour, then his urge to prepare first was greater.

Afterall, this was something his master once thought him. To waste no time.

"Coming through!!"

    He made a dashing beeline to the Artisanship Commission entrance, some passersby glancing at him with bemusement and some fellow workers even chuckling as if a senior citizen to a young toddler.

    The moment he reached his post, he plopped his luggage onto the floor, the draft only left in his hand. His signature smile forming while he tried to catch his breath.

    Even if he didn't eat or even sleep a wink last night, his energy was still quick as ever to the night before until the present dawn. And by a one-minute break did he regain himself, sifting through his storage.


    To his dismay, he had no fine material to use for his next craft. But then again, what he intended was no common material nor a simple 'rare' one.

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