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"Ahahaha.... ah..."

    Jing Yuan laughs awkwardly for long periods as he looks at Dan Feng, pleading for mercy. But this high elder was no easy forgiving man and only keeps looking at Jing Yuan with that signature deadpan expression of his.

    In a final attempt to save himself, Jing Yuan looks over to you with puppy eyes, in which you look away nonchalantly and take a sip in your tea.


    Dan Feng pauses while Jing Yuan immediately cracked his head and stare with anticipation towards Dan Feng's current position upon hearing the former speak.

"If you beat me in a round of starchess, I'll purify you and your sins. It matters not we have engaged in conversation once; this situation is wholly different, so treat this fairly, rising Cloud Knight."

"Dan Feng does it really take a small amount of power for you to already be speaking high and mighty."


    You look at Dan Feng amused before inviting Jing Yuan to sit down alongside the two of you. He sits down without a second thought, but even with his mannerisms you make a short note on his expression that had shifted to an indescribable one.

    Soon enough a starchess was placed onto the table, however contrary to what you expected the two of them stare deeply in each other's eyes with a fueling passion... Is this a slow brewing bromance you were witnessing?

"The high elder is sure of high status than that of a Cloud Knight, you can go first."

"Nonsense, child, the elderly must see the growth of the inexperienced so may the learner go first instead."

    Now you were really sure you didn't know what to anticipate from these two. You expected bickering and yet in the same manner as you and Dan Feng. The High Elder and the Cloud Knight slides sarcasm in their fancy words.

    But enjoying the view, you watch the two debate on who goes first, even if it was pointless for them, it sure wasn't for you. So, you see the whole thing go on for a good long five minutes, they left no breath to waste as they waste their elaborate words to form some sort of verbal essay that even you can't beat in terms of writing during your examinations.

    Would you even say it went for five minutes? no, it felt much longer than that. Truly a moment of elation to talk with pointless strings of sentences just for a simple decision on who's going first because...—

    Eventually you shortly glance at the sun as the two talk onward and onward paying no care to you, around afternoon... you sigh at the resolution. Deciding you had enough you immediately change your disposition and snap your fingers; instantly they shift their attention to you front and center, falling silent.

"Dan Feng just go first, you're much more terrible than Jing Yuan."


    Dan Feng looks at you flustered, Jing Yuan on the other hand looks surprised but the two soon calm down and begin their match. 

    H5 to G6... E7 to A3... checkmate.

    All three of you stare at the checkmate until the silence was broken by a cheering Jing Yuan who was loudly celebrating. You on the other hand look at Dan Feng with a cheeky smile, Dan Feng immediately retaliates and huffs and looks away.

    ...Because no matter who goes first, you know full well Jing Yuan will always win on how terrible Dan Feng was in board games.


"Imbibitor Lunae!?"

    A loud scream of a call roars behind you, all of you glance at the source and your face slowly drops upon realizing the man's identity who was dashing straight to the Vidyadhara who similarly returned to his blank face.

    It was a Preceptor.

"H—High Elder! Please know you'll be busy within the next hour, please don't just disappear like that....!"

    Dan Feng soon shifted his focus to the man unlike you who glanced back at Jing Yuan who was already looking at you. Yes... Jing Yuan, you feel awkward too.

    The two of you were left to stare at each other, you don't know how long the two of you had a stare-off but... by the time you looked away, you feel your heart race.

"I shall depart then..."

    Imbibitor Lunae abruptly stood up and looked at you, giving you a final nod before turning around. The Preceptor immediately rushed out, though the Preceptor's action may seem it must be done in utmost importance immediately Dan Feng turned around for a final time, looking at the two of you.

"I want to ask... do you know where Yingxing is?"

    You shrug in response, then Dan Feng glances at Jing Yuan curiously.

"He was going to forge something for me, but his co-workers said he went to the Zhuming for a vacation and a visit to his master... hmph! and I thought his clients are of more important!"

"Jing Yuan..."

    You murmur but immediately trail off, the two of them look at you confused but you shook your head. It was better to keep silent on the identity of Yingxing's 'Master' as to not divulge in their privacy— and not face the wrath of that intimidating General...

    Seeing your flustered face, Dan Feng swiftly turns around and left the two of you alone.

"Nevermind that, I also have a question for you. How come you arrived much early than usual?"

"Ah... that..."

    You look at Jing Yuan, shifting to your apathetic expression. Surprising actually, you had just noticed how long you've last gave Jing Yuan such an expression. You can guess that maybe the awkward atmosphere gave an off tone to you.

"Last week, the chief announced of having a meeting at the end of our shifts today, so my consultations are few in number in the afternoon."

    Speaking of which, your break was going to end, and it seems like Jing Yuan knew that too. Before you could even announce it yourself Jing Yuan stood up and lent a hand in cleaning the area.


Why did he suddenly become so antsy?


After 3 days of taking a break since semester's finally over, about 10+ cups of coffee, and fainting I finally made a chapter omg. 

I also finished the 2.2 Penacony story and I'm so happy (but also mad) that we got Jing Yuan crumbs!! Hopes he'll appear again soon :)

⌜ 05.16.24 ⌟

" High Elder... "

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