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"And along the way I met Baiheng during my time in the Zhuming who visits me in her free time, even in the Luofu she still does so."

    You hummed and took your final bite of the Songlotus Cake in hand, which was handed to you way before Yingxing began his tale.

    So that can at least explain why Baiheng was close to Yingxing, they'd met way before Yingxing's prime and shared a laugh or two.

    He paused and glanced at you, as if surprised by your neutral reaction.

"And I thought you'd tear up!"

    Then suddenly he let out a laugh and slapped your back, you groan at the strength but dismissed it. Glancing at him curiously.

     Despite his saddened demeanor earlier, it shifted to serious during the story, and now it had returned to a happy one. You can tell he didn't necessarily earn such a personality on his own.

"If I was, I couldn't have survived that long in the alchemy commission."

    He hummed and also took a final bite of his snack in hand before you two took a moment to relish the silence, it was quite a lot of information to savor after all.

"Say, do you even know General Huaiyan?"

    He looked at you, waiting for a response. You nodded firmly. Who hasn't? Even tapping into Xianzhou history by mere fingertips, his name would already be mentioned.

"I'm quite offended, you're asking that to a Xianzhou native and you yourself is an outworlder."

    You both laugh in amusement, your answer quite obvious.

    General Huaiyan, one of the Arbiter-Generals of the Xianzhou, The Master of the Artisanship Commission from the Xianzhou Zhuming, and is already considered of old age, it's wild to see such a legend still lives on beyond the average age of getting mara.

    To even talk to that mighty General was worth an achievement itself, let alone become a disciple at that to add in the pile. Yingxing can be considered quite fortunate.

"But what made you prompted to join the Luofu?"

    His eyes wandered through the passing crowds and waves of passersby as his arms crossed, giving some thought to your question.

"Master advised me to, wait no... it was more like an offer."

    You hummed, fair enough on his end.

"But what about you? You don't even look surprised or flaunt me that I met General Huaiyan."

    Now it was his turn to throw a question at you, but you couldn't help let out a dry laugh at the question just remembering some more than a few memories.

"I've had my fair share of meeting some high and mighty people myself, I guess I got used to getting dragged and meeting people like those."

    He chuckled and finally stood up properly, you got the memo and also preparing to leave. You two have been together for about a whole day after all, and resting was now calling to you.

"Do you still have anything left to buy?"

    You asked and he instantly shook his head at your question.

"Then we might as well part our ways here. I'll.. have to return to work tomorrow..."

    You sighed and he laughed at your response, patting your shoulder as a means of comfort. But his face lit up and glanced at the bags in hand.

"You sure you can carry everything?"

    You nodded with firmness, not like an arm workout would hurt once in a while. Besides he's done a lot for you, it was better to not trouble him further.

"Alright! See you... ah... when we can!"


    Was the first thing you said the moment you arrived at the Alchemy Commission the next day, you clutched your satchel bag and let out a deep sigh as a way of preparing yourself for the long day and entered into territory.

    You observe the busy area, only few seemed to sustain major injuries... and some only earned a lot of minor ones, and some seemingly only for psychologically damages. That was just based on your guesses and what you can see.

    In a normal day, the commission was more relaxed, the recent events had just happened and died down but now suddenly the area's packed again?

    Oh. The expedition.

    You immediately prepare yourself and rushed in to help any needed patients.

    And it was not fun. Well not like your job was always expected to be fun. The day had passed so quickly in a blink of an eye yet the enduring tiredness of it all slowed the process of it all.

    Time was unmerciful in your favor; you couldn't even take a break at your usual hour and even then, that hour flew faster than you could've imagined. Only after your shift did you decide to take a breaker from everything.

     You know you could've just gone straight back home like the rest of the tired members of the commission, but you somewhat yearned to at least see the seas and at least drink one or two a cup of tea while you were at it.


    You sighed a relief as you part your lips from the edges of the cup. Placing it down onto the table and giving a moment to savor the bitter aftertaste.

    Even if this wasn't the most tiring day in your life, you can say it still did tire you out.

    Your eyes looked at the calm seas as a sort of soothe to the heart, watching as it moves in any direction for an eternity.

    Suddenly a booming voice just had to shatter your peaceful moment.

"Bored to death?"


Ok firstly, I am so happi I got Navia !! I'm still trying to farm for her signature weapon due to an unfortunate event but yea I'm still quite happy :D

Also I'm debating whether you guys like my format of writing or not

    You know, this one where there's space at the beginning like an essay when reading the chapter, it's kind of making me question if it's compatible for the silent readers

Eh I'll debate on it later

⌜ 12.20.23 ⌟

" Just how do you even- "

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