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⌜ BOND ⌟

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⌜ BOND ⌟

"And here we are!"

    He let out a toothy grin as you look on at the night life of Aurum Alley. It felt like Deja vu hit you ever so greatly seeing you revisit the now once busy street.

"Aurum Alley..."

    You murmur as he nodded in response, your eyes darted to your left and then to your right, food stalls everywhere. At present Aurum Alley was getting a new change, and it was a surprisingly good change to say the least. 

    Since the revision is still in need for final touches, there were only a few food stalls and other such merchandise that stood and advertised. Still, it was a surprise Jing Yuan immediately decided to visit such a place even though it has yet to be finished.

"Come on let's go, or else the food here would go cold with you standing around!"

    Your thoughts snap as he immediately held your hand and guided you around, immediately going to a nearby food stall where the owner even let out a wave upon seeing Jing Yuan, so... Jing Yuan's been making food trips often.

    Well, enough with your habit of deductions, you look at whatever can be offered and looked at Jing Yuan for a moment.

"And who's paying, exactly?"

    You looked at him unamused and he immediately pointed at himself with that grin of his, wow... you're actually getting freeload. You could only let out a sigh and decided to let it go and order, at least it was for free I suppose...

"How about Berrypheasant Skewers?"

    He hums and raises two fingers at the owner and immediately he began to work, leaving you two to converse whilst waiting.

"Do you perhaps know the history of Aurum alley?"

     You asked to start a lightweight conversation, personal talk just to pass the time whilst the shopkeeper could be eavesdropping is not really a good method... you've personally experienced it yourself. His head shook lightly as he handed out the pay.

"I only know it's quite old and a suburb for the high-class, to be honest... it's hard to imagine now it once was..."

    He let out a chuckle at the end, it seemed like he at least knew a thing or two and you hummed in satisfaction to his short yet accurate response.

"...To be honest... I do want to see the old Aurum Alley myself."

    Suddenly the shopkeeper chimed in and handed out the skewers, you murmured a small 'thank you' with a smile albeit your smile a little sadder. Jing Yuan caught on but didn't dare comment about the sudden mood change until you both reached a decent spot to sit alone and eat, He sat down first and gestured you to do the same, patting the bench. You could only chuckle at his little action.

"So... do you think the skewer is a meat dish or a vegetarian dish?"

    He suddenly asked, you glanced at him as you took a bite. Looking down at the food itself and gave thought to his question, you swiftly chew everything before you shook your head in refusal and responded.

"I'd say both."

    He could only laugh and nod as well, surprisingly agreeing to your statement as you two ate and watched passersby come and go as you both fall into silence. It wasn't an awkward type of silence but that of more comforting, Jing Yuan knew you weren't really the one to talk whilst eating nor' talk much in more somber topics in which he caught on.

    And a final bite and you two were done, the skewers itself already enough to at least fill the stomach albeit not fully. You two just rested for a moment before he began initiating the conversation once again.

"So... you were saying...?"

    He asked, implying your words from earlier. You could only let out a sigh and look on at the passersby which entertained you even if it was just a small joy to your mundane life.

"I grew up in Aurum Alley to say the least. But I was still quite young so by the time I began to be aware of my surroundings, my family had long moved out of Aurum Alley due to the decision of the revision here."

    Then you look down at your feet and closed your eyes, letting out a deep sigh just feeling heavy and quite guilty to lower the mood of the heartwarming atmosphere.

"Though I didn't have many friends in Aurum Alley, you can say I at least made a friend or two. But after moving out I had grown up isolated and alone, I guess you can say that's how I'm quite boring."

    You could end it off with a dry chuckle, you refrained to saying all too much. Talking so seriously about topics like these with Jing Yuan wasn't really something you intended to talk, but here you were.

    Besides talking with a heavy heart felt like it only made it worse, you could only open your eyes open and look away back at the passersby who all looked nothing but blank slates to you.

    Though what you didn't expect was your head placed onto his shoulder, his hand forcefully but delicately guiding you to lean onto him. He caught on....

"I understand and it's okay to share struggles too you know, you can even say you're bold enough to share your problems with me."

    He could only let out a chuckle as you felt him play with your hair as a sort of reassurance and comfort to his word, it felt nice. Your eyes flutter close again and just let yourself calm down, You've comforted him like this on some occasions and now the roles have abruptly switched...

"Don't worry, we have all the time in the world, I can wait until you feel better. You can even cry too you know." 

    Though he had his owns questions which has yet to be answered, he just had to wait. Be patient just like you, for you to even talking about such a thing was already out of your realm and it seemed like you just needed a short rest.

So he'll let you rest, let the time slow down just for a moment.


Ok so I thought of bonding more seriously, but you'll get more wholesome interactions in the food trip later on.

Also I just read Serenity by Helloo_world a Scara fic which was revamped (I read the old one but I also read the revamp) and I felt badly humbled, 1-5k words? I might as well right an essay per chapter at that point (also the book tbh is a good read so go check it out if you want !)

⌜ 11.27.23 ⌟

" Abomination... Abomination... It's all, It's all.. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT "

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