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"A request which you personally accepted..."

    You noticed how Baiheng's face brightened as you two walked, though not in a way of her usual brightening demeanor. It looked... softer, as if glad to meet a kind soul. Though you did have a lot of hesitation with the request, by sense this was due to sentiment which led you here to now even be talking with a patient who was acting like a friend.

    Though you assumed an awkward conversation may arise, surprisingly— it wasn't all too bad, in fact you actually enjoyed sharing small crumbs of info to Baiheng and do small chatter beside her as you two make your way to the Creation Furnace.

    You two moved in sync, echoes of clicking heels letting out a satisfying and loud click per tick.

    Left to right, some recognizable artisanship commission workers glancing at you due to out of place clothing— though most eyes were on you... Baiheng must've certainly visited on more than one occasion.

    After a few minutes of small yet lighthearted chatter and walking around, you both made it. You glanced around, too many people... you gulped. Some busy with chatter and some immediately looked at you as if hoping you were recognizable, deciding to ignore prying eyes you look down the paper.

    Yingxing... Short-life species....

    Who even got the idea to write short life species? what were you supposed to expect an old man out here? The Xianzhou natives still underestimating no doubt...


    You suddenly look up at Baiheng who immediately dashed to tall figure and chimed a conversation, you approached the two of them already deep rooted into the conversation as you look on at the man as he was preoccupied with the conversation.

    Fair skinned, long blue hair with red fades, as he brimmed indigo eyes with a sheepish smirk on his face as he continued to talk to Baiheng. His clothes oriental-styled black tailcoat with red and gold decorated all over his person. Unlike other members of the Artisanship Commission— He was undoubtedly a standout due to not using the standardize clothes used by the commission.

"Do you seriously have to do such childish things like this whilst I'm working? I still have to wait for someone you know."

"Well fortunate for you~ I brought them!"

    Your thoughts cut short as you noticed Baiheng implying you as the man before you looked at you in brimming curiosity. Though his face lit up out of curiosity, his lips formed a grin upon seeing you.

"No one ever told me someone else would be picking up the sword."

    Your lips could only let out an awkward chuckle and nod out of agreement, it was true anyway.

"A personal request since your commissioner for the sword is still bedridden."

    He let out a hearty laughter as he held out the sword with two hands, showing the sword in full display. No doubt made of fine material, crafted with soul, and handled by heart. But then again your patient— well... friend...? was filthy rich in the Luofu, no doubt those money of his will be worth the spend especially for someone like Yingxing who looked professional with his art by just a single glance.

    You continue to observe as Baiheng's eyes glimmered seeing the sword, which was of high quality, honestly. Who wouldn't?

"Whoever got this sword... must have some great fortune!"

    Baiheng suddenly beamed out as Yingxing let out a proud laughter, basically feeling flattered as Baiheng accidentally yet funnily stroked his ego.

    You let out a nod as he handed you the sword with delicacy, the sword quite lightweight in your hand. Actually... it matched you well...

"Want a test drive the sword yourself?"

"No way!"

    The two began a short back and forth as you let out a nod, truthfully yes you were somewhat using a sword which wasn't even supposed to be owned by you. But— after not touching swordplay for a hot minute as you focused on the medicinal field... wouldn't hurt right?

"I-I do know a thing or two about swordplay... but I will not be the one who will wield the sword. And in any case... just by holding— I can feel it is of good and high quality."

    They glanced at you, pausing their little bicker as they looked at you and just approved your words. Deciding to drop the topic of testing but soon Yingxing suddenly let out a laugh and his expression and body language showed that of a towering pride, you three let out some final small talk before you had to part ways with them. Having to unfortunately return to reality.

    You let out a little wave as a little parting gift as they too did the same before they returned to their own conversation, whilst you walk out of the Artisanship Commission. Though you held the sword with full conscious to be careful, you somewhat spaced out with your thoughts as you rethink about your conversation.

     That man, Yingxing... was quite an arrogant one... well no— prideful one? But he had the means to prove his worthy and even boast it with no fear to you in which this was the first you'd even met him. No doubt he had little fear for someone who was surprisingly considered a short-life species, maybe he was still quite young at age... so... 20 years old maybe? who knows.

    And Baiheng... still the same as before, quite bright as ever. No doubt she was someone to be beloved by anyone. Though seeing she was willing to openly talk to you as if a friend even though you two had only met twice, maybe you two were on friend terms?

    Ah never mind, but one thing's clear. 

You have to get back to work.


As promised I barely manage to make another chap before 11.26! In which I meant middle of the night I guess. I had a long day today so I think I'll sleep immediately.

I may be a night owl but walking for a whopping 7 hours was not fun

Also enjoy your weekends (if it is weekends though haha)

⌜ 11.25.23 ⌟

" Swords... is not really my forte you know... "

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