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"And then he asked me if I wanted to have my own sword! Of course I said yes!"

    Jing Yuan rambled on with glee about his sudden meeting with Yingxing a few days prior, with you listening in quietly as you both walked in sync to the same destination.

    Though you were amused to see Jing Yuan all happy about getting a special sword, it made you question about Yingxing's intent on the man. Perhaps you'll ask Yingxing next time.

    Jing Yuan kept talking and talking despite noticing your odd timings of dry responses such as "mhm," "I see." "ah." "really?" and so forth. But even so, he continues on to telling one story of his daily musings after another until he eventually stopped in his tracks.

    You too paused upon seeing the synchronization you two had ended, you take a moment to observe and notice... well, your home.


    It took you an odd moment before you awkwardly began to grab your keys, with Jing Yuan chuckling behind with a hint of worry in tone.

"I think you should really rest now."

"But I still need to feed Luen..."

    The door suddenly clicks, you flinch back out of surprise with Jing Yuan who placed a hand on your back. Yeah... you were too engrossed to the conversation...

"Don't worry~ I'll take care of you then!"

"But don't you need rest as well?"

"I can just stay in your home for the rest of the night silly!"

    He smiled; a determined look was back on his face. You knew you couldn't back down one bit with that expression of his, so with resolution you open the door for him and he entered without a moment's notice.

    In truth, you've actually let him in your home more than twice now. Out of worry for any sudden emergency situations you had trusted him with your address but it seems that in the span of your friendship he would use such information to visit you for bewildering reasons ranging from asking a simple favor to wanting to simply see you.

    But you'd be lying if you said it wasn't amusing.

    Before you know it, Jing Yuan was way out of your sight, already in the delves of your home cheerfully laughing from what you assume a few rooms away. You brush off your thoughts and entered at the now lightened atmosphere.


    A few steps in and you find Jing Yuan soon after who was at your living room being practically crushed by your enormous kitten. Deciding to not disturb their quality time you made your way to the kitchen as to prepare for supper.

    How long has it been since this home been lit up with more than a single presence? that of which you do not know.

And even if you do not wish to admit it, you hope it will stay even for just a while longer.


    Jing Yuan slowly removed the paws of the pale critter as he observed the atmosphere around him, the silence soon enveloping the room.

    After some thoughts he glance back at the pet who was already sitting patiently in front of him. A guilty smile flashed on his face as he gently patted the lion on the head.

"Playtimes over little Luen, your owner needs care just like you."

    Jing Yuan coos, he lets go of his hand and soon retreated from the room. The lion— though smart, remained ignorant and followed the guest of the house who was roaming around, looking for someone.

    The oaken walls which had golden accents were beginning to blur on a silver lining. To be honest, he considered it a good sign seeing he was beginning to feel more at home here, and the kitchen which had you preparing food felt no different.

    Luen sat on standby at the edge of the door. With no other choice Jing Yuan approached you with caution, stealthy steps made a print on the smoothen floor.

"Sooo, what are you cooking?"

    Without hesitation he wrapped his arms around your neck prompting you to glance at him with your eyes that darted onto his. To you it may have been simply your typical apathetic eyes, yet Jing Yuan saw something else, sad eyes which begged for rest. And he was determined to solve that issue.


    He hums in response, he would offer to do everything, but he knows well you'd act stubborn in this scenario. After all you saw him simply a guest in this abode no matter how hard Jing Yuan would try to plaster on a determined look, he already did so earlier, and he doubts it'll work again. So, Jing Yuan will simply opt for plan two.

"Why don't I help?"

    Jing Yuan notices your eyes lighting up, a small smile suddenly shot up from his lips seeing a glimmer of hope in his actions. You simply nod lightly and without a breath away he too helped out with the cooking. He was no chef nor' would he admit to it, but he wanted to make out the best he can in your pitiful situation.

    Dice... brew... cut... vegetables... water... measure... meat... boil... these words were thrown around at him as you continued to order him around. Despite the loss of words, he still volunteered with his sincerity up until the food was finally placed on the table.

"Here you go, Luen."

    You bend your knees to the lion's level who was already chomping down on his food, a content look now on your face. Jing Yuan who watched the scene couldn't help but also let his smile grow wider.

"Well then, let's eat!"

"Don't worry! You should be the one to sleep first!"

    Jing Yuan huffed at the now stubborn you. It was truly baffling how you were still convincing him to sleep first when you yourself was already sitting on the edge of the bed. Even if he let his pride slide during his volunteer of cooking, he wouldn't do it again now that the topic landed about your wellbeing.

"But I need to refill Luen's water!"

"I'll do it!"

"I also need to send my letter to call in sick!"

"I'll do it!"


    For the past ten minutes it was a back and forth of excuses from you, and now you've finally given up. With bitter resolution you let out a deep sigh and adjust yourself comfortably.

"I'll go to bed then..."

    You murmur just barely enough for Jing Yuan to hear, and he lets out a sigh of relief upon hearing so.

    Ah wait... isn't it a creep if you watch someone sleep? Especially in their own room


    Within an instant Jing Yuan turned around with a crimson face and just sat at a nearby chair, the table in front of him scattered with many literary papers all authored by your name. Literary... it was a wonder on why you enjoyed such an endeavor.

Never mind... it'll only increase his curiosity the more time he spends in this home.


And then Jing Yuan ended up sleeping on that table with an aching back for the rest of the night out of concern. Anyways I ended rewatching Kaguya-sama : Love is War and it's nostalgic to see all the characters again hehe.

⌜ 03.20.24 ⌟

" I did not ask for this! "

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