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    Jing Yuan groaned in pain again, he couldn't even count how many times he's made such a sound thanks to his still aching back from that terrible sleeping position all night. But Jing Yuan didn't wish you to be uncomfortable, so he chose the painful route of sleeping on a chair instead.

    What's worse is that he didn't even take a moment of rest the moment he woke up. At five a.m. system hour sharp did he force himself to walk outside all the way from the Alchemy Commission and demanded for you to take a day off. Even if the staff were giving him odd looks earlier and the chief quite bewildered from the insane back and forth which went for about thirty minutes in trying to convince everyone despite Jing Yuan only to be known as the cheery knight who was often by your side.

    And now here he was, back at your home one hour later with an odd smile on his face after being able to win everyone's hearts from letting you take this one day off... even if it meant sacrificing his rest in the process.

    You were the one who needed it most after all, and as your... friend? bestfriend?— ...and as someone who cares deeply for you, he will do his best to make you content.

    But... how? the sun's only rising, and you'd probably rise by an hour later, even Jing Yuan doubts he'd be able to maximize what he can do in the span of an hour... even so! He has to at least do something!

    Before he could make up a decision his feet pick up and walks right through the kitchen.

"The kitchen? wait..."

    Jing Yuan pauses, taking a deep breath before a panic alarm rang off his head.

"I don't even know that many dishes!"

    He shrieks. No way! no way! Yet a contradictory thought pierced through his mind— he can at least cook something for you... right?

    Inhale... Exhale... with a now considerate decision, he chose to prepare breakfast for you. Even the determined expression on his face won't be wiped so easily!


    He groans in pain, the aching back abruptly spiking him, interrupting his joyous thoughts.

It'll be just fine... right?

"Not now Luen..."

    Jing Yuan murmurs as he carefully plates the dish, the large animal which weaved through his limbs would've nearly made him giggle if it wasn't for the fact he was being hyper focused on every little detail that he tampered with.

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