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"I demand for a summoning of their presence."

    Is what you didn't expect to be the first and loudest booming voice you'd be hearing first thing you reached the Alchemy commission; you could hear some commotion about the present event with gossips and reassurance to someone.

    For them to cause the whole commission to become a ruckus and the conversation you had yesterday, this was no doubt going to be a long day.

    Though you were caught off guard as even the alchemy chief rushed right at you the moment prying eyes and unwavering mouths saw your very being, placing their hands on your shoulders to put you intact.

"You must be 'the healer', right? Actually nevermind we might as well try our luck."

   Hands which were on your shoulder now held your hand very tightly and dragging you to somewhere from where the commotion was sourced at.

    Don't tell me it was you? for aeons sake.

    You look down on the floor trying your best not to stumble and bump any passersby or just anyone, then your hand was freed and you looked up. Oh.

"Did you seriously turn the whole alchemy commission upside down just to look for me?"

    The words spilled right out your mouth unwarranted, as he gazed at you with the same solem expression still plastered on his face. The moment he nodded, the crowds fell silent as some higher ranking members shoo'ed the crowd away finally letting you two speak. Just what the hell did he need you for?

"Let's go to the usual spot, then we can talk 'kay? Make sure you seriously have a good explanation on this."

"No one should be able to eavesdrop."

    You affirmed it whilst you poured him a cup of tea, back to your area for breaks alongside Jing Yuan where the shorelines of Scalegorge Waterscape showed all its enamoring beauties, well at least for you— These were the only parts of the Luofu where you could truly call this a 'sea' or 'ocean'.

"Those partners of yours were all the same as the rest, they thought I had it in for them and basically made the commission upside down themselves."

    He looked down at the tea and his face furrowed seemingly quite irritated at the useless ordeal, it was understandable; Dan Feng was misunderstood as just someone to be with immense power, disregarding his empathies and thus you always thought of him to be that of the indifferent.

"Fair enough, now what was the actual reason though."

    You let it slide for now seeing it was just a trivial matter as you take a sip of the tea beside you, feeling the bittersweet taste reminisced on your lips. You escaped a sigh of relief as Dan Feng cleared his throat as if ready to tell a whirlwind of a chivalrous tal—

"I just wanted to visit you."

    Your head immediately shot up open and looked at him with surprise, seriously? Well not like it was also a big ordeal, you two were acquaintances after all. Your expression soon calmed down as you only escaped another sigh. Dan Feng caught on and looked at you bemused as he furthered deeper into explanation.

"Long have I since taken a break and chatted with anyone, I just thought of you so I can talk with you. I'm sure you have an abundance of stories to share with me."

    He took a sip as you could only accept his explanation, he was indeed quite a lonely man who also shouldered the responsibilities of the High Elder in which the whole race of the Vidyadhara on the Luofu relied on immensely.

    Even you sometimes wandered on how he was able to endure all of this for many centuries, and... would you be able to do the same? Just remembering how you were lauded as a potential chief alchemist was somewhat terrifying enough, burdened with heavy weight to manage everything... With that thought alone even you had taken pity on Dan Feng regarding this matter.


   You two only looked at each other for a moment, pausing as you gave thought to his word. You could only chuckle and lightly smile at his hidden request and nod.

"Fair enough."

"Ah, well... I think I spent too much time..."

    You could instinctively feel you basically wasted a whole day within a blink of an eye of just talking and bantering with Dan Feng. And now the moment you return to the commission, you know you'll be bombarded with whatever insanity of a question left, right, and center.

"I can vouch, even if it takes a while longer."

    He patted your shoulder as a reassurance to his word, you only nodded and walked back as Dan Feng followed right behind you. The moment you stepped foot past the entrance prying eyes stabbed your entire being all around, Dan Feng felt your agitation and patted you again as if attempting to relief you.

    How funny, a healer healing a healer from stress.

    Some prying eyes took noticed and looked away, some continued to stare into your being. You cannot count how many there were, but it felt quite overwhelming especially beside a figure who vouches for you and is a literal respected embodiment in the Luofu

    And sure enough one approached you, the chief alchemist ready to entertain the high elder beside you, but Dan Feng was way more nonchalant in situations like these and dismissed the chief.

"No need for worries, I will return to where I belong. As for them..."

    Now you felt Dan Feng's gaze, though it wasn't as stabbing like the rest of crowding eyes.

"Consider my meeting as a fair excuse to their abrupt absence in the work environment."

    The chief could only nod and didn't entertain further, leaving to continue other matters. And all piercing gazes dissappated in the reassurance of when even the chief alchemist didn't question you two. It was as if all the shards of glass which pierced your numbing body just... simply vanished.

"We shall part ways here, I will visit when I am able to take another break. For tomorrow I must return to tend to the hatchling eggs."

    You could only hum as he patted your shoulder one final time. The last time you two met and had a chat like this was a few months back, how many seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months will it take just for you to have a pleasantly long hearty conversation like that?

   Nevermind, the relief of all gazing eyes were now but in the shadows to be forgotten by you.

But you didn't notice the one and only pair of eyes which witnessed everything.


Hi hello I am yea okay quite tired but I wanted to post

So its either the next chap is to be next week (again) or maybe in a few days and consitently doing so, depends since I'm hella busy so I may just do scheduled chapters isntead of insta post

Anyways yea thats it enjoy your weekends (and december)

⌜ 12.02.23 ⌟

" Healing is my forte you know. "

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