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    And with that, the patient left. You left out a sigh of relief and re-examined your schedule, with only one more patient to go before you can take a break.

    Having a few minutes to spare before your next patient, you stood up and stretched your limbs. Finally able to part from the chair you've been practically glued on for a while.

    Then your eyes landed on your hairpin.

    Well, not like it'll affect anyone.

    The golden hairpin which accented the red flowers that decorated it shone brightly amidst the sun as it was displayed beside the window. It felt like a museum piece, valuable yet fragile.

    You swiftly began to pin your hair, preparing yourself for the next consultation.

     But by seconds you were bested, the sound of the door opening behind you reaches your ears all the while you were still trying to tie your hair.

"Greetings. Please go ahead and sit down, I just need a moment to spare."

    You immediately greet the patient with politeness.

"Hm, thank you dear."

    The soothing voice immediately registers in your head, realizing the identity of your next patient you turn around, finally finished.

    Her eyes met yours, a pair of strawberry red eyes pierced yours.

    'Surprise' wasn't the right term in your reaction upon seeing her, it was more like 'Bemuse'.

    But you hastily reserved your thoughts and cleared your throat before sitting down. She was your patient first and foremost, and you were still on your shift, you couldn't simply talk to her as a 'friend' just because you two were acquaintance.

    You picked up her record in which she brought, reconfirming each and every information given to you.

"Name: Jingliu, Species: Human, Age: Nine-Hundred, Origin: Xianzhou Cangcheng..."

    You trailed off, you staring at the information, not even once peaking at Jingliu as you stared intensely on the paper.

    Cangcheng... you heard of it's tragic end in the history books. year 6300 star calendar or roughly 900 years ago, the Cangcheng ship was devoured by an active planet named Rahu.

    At present it's already way past the year 7000 star calendar mark... and Jingliu would've been of young age at the time...

"Me and that tragedy is nearly reaching its thousand-year age, there is no need to worry about me, young one."

    Her words snap you out of your thoughts, finally looking up to see her patiently waiting for you with a small yet noticeably sorrowful smile, as if expectant of your line of thoughts.

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