Jake imagine#1

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One day you have a bad day you call up Jake to come over to cuddle but you wake up to see him eating you nutella.

Your P.O.V
Ughh why must highschoolers be so immature. I mean for crying out loud, we go to school to learn not be immature babies. Any way thank God the day is over because all I want to do is go home and cuddle with Jake. I started driving home when it started to pour down raining, great just perfect *note the sarcasum. Finally after driving home in the rain I called Jake asking if he wanted to come over and after him saying yes, I went up stairs and changed into something more comfortable,  I then   waited for Jake to come over. " Hey baby," Jake said walking in "Hey Jakeypoo," I said. He then  noticed the sad look on my face before asking "(y/n) baby do you need a cuddle?" he asked knowing exactly what I needed. I just nodded and pat the spot next to me. After awhile of me cuddling and listening to his heart beat I finally fell asleep.
Jake P.O.V
After awhile of cuddling with (y/n) I started getting hungry. So I gently rolled her over and went down stairs to the kitchen hopeing  she has nutella. When I Finally got down there I saw a jar of nutella but it had (y/n) name on  it. Man this really sucks maybe she won't notice, so I put some on bread and walked upstairs back to (y/n) room. When I walk in and then I notice (y/n) has woken up. "Hey baby,"I said smiling at her beautiful face. "Hey babe whatcha eating?" she asked " Oh just some nutella," I said like it was  no big deal, but I was wrong. "You ate my nutella, how dare you!" she yelled. "I'm sorry baby how about I get you more?" I asked "Ok Jake I love you baby," she said happily.  Now that's how you get a happy girlfriend.

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