personal imagine

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Pipers P.O.V
Lately things between me and Jake have been great. I mean ever since that one awqward moment with Ethan. So, one day we were all chilling when Ethan who is like a bro to me decided to hit on me. Jake got mad and told Ethan to stay away from me. So yea but now me and Jake are fine and happy. Untill Jake decided to start hanging out with this girl who had a crush on him. I know it's pointless but this girl can't take a hint. Of course Jake is oblivious to it, I mean it's not ok when someone hits on me but when it's Jake it's totally ok. Ughh I can't, I swear this chick is going to get hit soon. Anyways back to this argument that Jake is obviously losing. "Jake can you not see, she is into you and wants me gone." I said frustrated and upset. "Piper you are exsaturating this, I'm not into her, I love you." he said looking me into my eyes. "I love you so much Jake but to make me happy she has to be out of the picture." I said crying or trying not to cry. "Ok, whatever makes you happy and makes things be less broken." he said looking into my eyes before kissing me senless. From then on things weren't perfect but perfect for us. Little crazy girl was turned down by Jake and went off the stalking someone else. Then me and Jake were happy but of course we had pointless fights but nothing to major.

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