He calls you his ex name by accident (Jake)

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Your P.O.V

Tonight me and Jake are going out to celebrate my birthday. Yep this amazing day I was born and the day my parents life's became amazing. Hahaha I'm so hilarious, I thought to myself while getting ready for tonight. I was in the middle of doing my eyeshadow when ,my favorite song came on. 15 minutes later I was ready for tonight. Idk why but I have a feeling something bad is going happen. Ugh I need to stop thinking like this it's my birthday. Whatever that feeling was it needs to leave asap maybe when I get downstairs I will feel better. Finally after talking to myself in my head I finally walked down stairs to see Jake dressed in something casual yet sexy lol hahaha sorry I love my boo. "Alright babe you ready," he asked opening the door for me to walk through. "Lol yes and thanks babe," I said before pecking his cheek and walking out the door. *one boring car ride later* We finally arrived at y/f/r "Omg Jake this is amazing," I said before kissing him on the lips. "I hope you like it babe," he said kissing me back. When we finally got out of the car which Jake didn't want to lol we walked in to wait for a seat. Few minutes later we finally got one and thank god cuz I was hungry lol. When the waiter came Jake said something I wasn't expecting. " Penelope what do you babe," he asked not realizing what he said. "Umm Jake I'm not Penelope ," I said upsetly before running out the restaurant. "Y/n babe I'm so so sorry please come back,"he said running after me. "No leave me alone I just want to go home," I said not looking at him right now I just wanna go home to cry. "Alright," he said sounding upset. As soon as we got home I ran upstairs to our room locking the door to be left alone to cry by myself. Ugh Happy Birthday to me.

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